Her Acquaintance, Pieces

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The two of you stumbled upon a large cavern, the ceiling reaching up yards above your heads and covered in hundreds of crystals that lit up the cavern. A waterfall tumbled over the edge of a large cliff at the top of the , the water cascading down into an underground lake.

You instantly raced your way over toward the lake crouching down next to it and furiously washing your eyes out with the warm liquid. Grell was doing the same next to you and it took you several minutes before you irritation had subsided.

You collapsed back to sit, your eyes sore, but a lot better than they had been moments ago. It was fortunate that there had been an underground lake in these caverns. You glanced around surprised at the fact that there was an underground waterfall here. You could only assume that it was a separate system of the hot springs that was in the area.

Glancing over, you noticed that Grell had also collapsed down to sit alongside the lake bed. His slightly reddened eyes glanced over to where you laid out, the two of you disgruntled from what had happened.

"Poison gas..." you mumbled in disbelief. "Just why?"

"The sick bastard who did this is sure going to get a mouthful from me. Oh just wait until I use my death scythe on him. He'll be begging for mercy in a matter of minutes," he complained. "How are you feeling?"

"My eyes... they're still sore," you quietly answered. Your mind flashed back to the poisoned body that you had kicked. "That person... someone's come down here to these tunnels as well."

"Don't forget, that person could have been an abducted victim that had tried to escape," Grell inputted, he having stood on up. He slowly spun around as he examined the large cavern, noting the rumbling waterfall and the crystals that glowed on the ceiling.

"Never thought that there would be an underground waterfall in these caves," he stated, the lens of his glasses glinting from the reflection of the crystals.

"I think its part of the underground hot spring that's in the area," you informed, slowly pushing yourself onto your feet. "There's no way the cave would just end here. There's probably a way to the other side," you stated glancing over to the area on the opposite of where you stood.

"That pathway of rocks must be used as a bridge to the other side," Grell indicated. He pointed over to a bridge of stone that linked the two split sides of the cavern with each other.

"I just hope that its stable," you wished following Grell over to where it began. Driblets of water sprayed onto the stone bridge coating the surface and making it wet and slippery. It didn't help that choppy water rushed beneath it, making it dangerous for anyone who fell into the dark water.

"I can go first," you nervously stated, your gaze trained on the rampaging waters that seemed as if it could swallow anything whole.

"Nonsense, I'll go first before you," Grell stated as he stopped in front of you. "Just stay behind me while I cross."

"Okay." You watched as Grell effortlessly inched his way across the wet surface of the bridge, perfectly balancing himself even though the surface had to be slippery.

You slowly followed after him, trying your best to stay even on the damp bridge. The warm spray of the waterfall pelted your side warming your frigid skin although it caused your clothes to become damp.

It was only a couple feet until you reached the other side of the bridge, however, it felt like miles. The only thing you wanted was to be able to reach the other side without falling into the murky waters below. Your gaze remained locked on your feet below you, making sure to place them carefully along the path.

Is This Fate or Misfortune?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin