Her Acquaintance, Clues Discovered

Start from the beginning

"So there's a good chance that whatever we have to find next will be there at one of those," Ronald stated out.

"I'm still wondering just what will we be having to find there at the libraries," you remarked. "I mean what does a library has to do with missing reapers?"

"We'll find out when we go there and search ourselves," William stated. "We'll split into teams of two that way we can cover more ground. I'll go with Ronald to this spot, you and Grell will go to other."

"So I get to spend more time with (Y/N)! Oh how that sounds wonderful!" Grell exclaimed out with a happy smile. "I already know that we will be a wonderful team you and I. Although it would be lovely to be with Will, I can admit that I love being paired with you (Y/N)."

You blushed upon hearing Grell proclaim this out loud. "Well I'm glad to be with paired with you as well Grell," you stated with a small laugh, leading a large blush to blossom onto his cheeks.

"Ooh! I'm looking forward to this case!"

"Remember. We are not here to have fun. We are here to discover where the missing reapers might possibly be at," William corrected, sending a pointed glare over to Grell.

"You really are no fun," Grell pouted out as he rearranged his red glasses.

"I wish all of you luck," Othello called out, coming to stand up from his desk with some papers in his hands. "These are the addresses of the libraries," he stated, handing each of you one. "They should be helpful in finding where they are at."

"Thanks for everything," you thanked him.

Othello smiled down at your figure with an amused expression. "I should be thanking you. Although Will won't admit it, you've been a big help in this case. For once we might actually have found where our reapers are disappearing off to."

"Well I'm just glad that I'm able to help you all out" you told him with a sincere smile.

"(Y/N), we're about to head out," Ronald called out to you, prompting you to turn to see the reapers beginning to leave.

"It was really nice meeting you Othello."

"And you as well."

You waved your hand goodbye as you exited the room, closing it behind you softly. The other three reapers were there waiting patiently for you to come.

"I'm really curious. How do you all even get to London? And where is this place anyway?" You had been curious on this topic every since the reapers had what you would call magically transported you here.

"Sorry love, but that would be classified," Ronald stated with a laugh. "Like I said before, people who aren't reapers just can't know."

"Well I think that's stupid," you muttered underneath your breath.

"It may be stupid, but its protocol," he added.

"We're wasting our time while the two of you talk," Will rudely interrupted. "If we wish to quickly solve this case, we can't linger." He stalked off down the glossy hallway while you did nothing but glare at his squared back.

"I'm think I'm going to have to agree with you on what you said earlier Grell," Ronald wearyingly agreed.

"I think that anyone would agree."

The four of you had returned back to 'human world' as the reapers would call it. The reapers had once again blind folded you, this clearly irritating you as you greatly wanted to know how they traveled between the worlds and where the Headquarter's was at.

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