Ciel in Wonderland part 1

Start from the beginning

It was suddenly then that a large howl soon echoed through the distance, making you snap your head around perplexed at what had made the loud noise. "I know that howl from anywhere," Mey-Rin said as she took of her glasses and glanced to the left.

"The Puppy!" Finny exclaimed out and you watched startled as they began to brace themselves against their boat. "Brace yourselves!" He exclaimed out saying and you could only do the same thing seeing that whatever it was was heading toward you guys fast. Your eyes widened upon realizing that the thing speeding to you was Pluto himself and you were stunned at the fact that he was a problem.

"What's so troublesome about some puppy?" Ciel asked dumbfounded.

You turned to look at him from where you were bracing yourself against the center of the boat. "Umm Ciel... I think that I would do what they say," you stated out just as the currents began to get choppy, the waves so high that they washed over the boats.

"Noo!" You screamed out with the others, just as the waved crashed down onto the boat sending all of you guys falling into the water. You struggled underneath, not sure which direction was top or bottom and your eyes momentarily shot close. You thrashed around in the water only to stop upon seeing Ciel slowly sinking to the bottom.

Instantly, you began to swim your way after him, kicking your legs behind you in an attempt to speed up. You managed to grab onto his outstretch hand and with that you began to pull the two of you up and toward the surface of the ocean.

Your eyes blinked opened to find yourself staring up at a roof and you shot up into a sitting position upon remembering that you had been knocked out in the process of saving Ciel. "Ciel!" You exclaimed out only to let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that he was wide awake, his eyes wide upon you exclaiming his name. "Wait what are you wearing?"

On his figure hung the vary same pink, black, and white dress that he had wore when you guys had went to Lord party during the Jack the Ripper case. "My clothes were wet and there was a chance that I could catch a cold," Ciel reasoned. "This was lying around, so I decided to wear it. You should probably do the same so you won't get sick."

"It's okay Ciel, I have a spell for this," you reassured him. "Drain the droplets from my figure and let me be warm again," you chanted and like before, your dress dried off.

"By the way I'm curious. How come you're the only person who calls me Ciel?" he asked you and you remembered that everyone else was calling Alice.

"Well because I've known you as Ciel," you told him sheepishly. 'It seems like he's stuck in the middle of a lucid dream and a regular dream,' you thought to yourself as you pushed yourself up into a standing position. "I wonder where we're at now?" You questioned out aloud as you glanced in the direction of the door.

"Why don't we go and check outside?" Ciel suggested and you nodded your head to this as this was the only thing that the two of you could do. "Please forgive us!" Ciel exclaimed out as the two of you walked out of the room, it appearing to be a small carriage on the outside.

You couldn't help but laugh upon seeing that Ciel had placed pigtails into his hair only to then let out a noise of wonder when you realized that you were on the beach. Thousands of starfish and shells littered the area in a rainbow of color and you slowly spun yourself around admiring the view.

"I have so looked forward to meeting the two of you," a voice cried out and your eyes widened upon noticing Lord Druitt in front of you. You couldn't tell just what he was. He seemed to have pig ears all the while having a warthogs tail and a turtles shell. "I would so love to get to have dance with the two of you."

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