"Sir, we have a strong policy of you break it you buy it." The store employee says pointing to the eggs in my hand with their yolks spilling out of the styrofoam container. 

Once I paid for the groceries, I immediately throw out the cracked eggs from the barrel next to me, that was stacked with trash as well. I walk down the path to my house, letting the plastic bag swing at my side. 

The feeling of shock still lingered after seeing him. 

It wasn't fair. Really the fact, that I was kept up by those lingering feelings for him. While on his Instagram profile he was kept up with the girls he modeled with. 

My jaw clenches, as much as I thought I would get over the now-tragic break up, the results showed up before I could even let out a breath after he had slammed my front door taking his stuff with him. 

I tried to believe everything was going to be alright and that I was better without him. But my foolish ambition couldn't hide the truth that still lied inside of me. 

They say that you never need a person.

But if we were to think that way, then what's the point in long relationships, long marriages and happy endings that don't seem to end, but only to extend. 

Maybe if I had done something, said something. Maybe if I had put my arms around you, you would change your mind. Maybe if I had kissed you one last time, you would come back. 

But I was so afraid. . . 

Of being rejected. Of being hurt again and again. Not wanting the pain of 'I don't... love you.' 

I approached the door of my house, I wonder how my feet managed to bring me to my doorsteps despite my head lost in my thoughts. 

No point in ruminating, I thought to myself as I shovel through my pocket for my keys. Fumbling with it before I finally got the door to open. Once I got inside of the house I wanted to just throw the bag on the floor and land on the soft cushion of my couch, tired of the day already even though it hadn't even started.

But before I could land on the couch I saw someone on it already. 

The thing is.... I live alone.  

I scream, immediately dropping my shopping bag in surprise. The person on my couch was a boy with a backpack, who was probably eight or so, since his legs barely touched the floor. He had snow white hair sharp eyes with pale skin that almost resembled a ghost. The boy turned to me, his face unphased by me and my scream. "Where do you keep your cookies?" he says with a blunt tone of voice.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled. 



"IT'S SUGA!! S-U-G-A!!" the boy says standing up with a start as if he was trying to look intimidating. 

Why the hell was there a kid in my house? "Listen kid, I doubt your name is Suga. Just tell me how you got in here!!" I said, getting aggravated. 

"Suga-hyung I found the cookies!" another kid's voice comes out of my kitchen, more cheerful than the other. 

Wait there's another kid!! I instantly start to panic. The kid comes out with my jar of cookies in his hands, which was like twice his size, but the guy was freaking strong for a four year old. The guy looked like a toddler. The boy had black hair that covered his forehead with bangs, his eyes sparkled as if he got an achievement for carrying the jar and his cheeks resembled those of a bunny. 

I look over at the two of them. "How many of you guys are there?" 

"Just two for now." Suga replies calmly. 

"FOR NOW!?" 

"Mister can we have some milk with the cookies?" 

My brain was going straight through overdrive with these kids. "No-" Then I turn to the bunny boy with his eyes sparkling again like stars. I sighed, "It's in the bag.." pointing to the  plastic bag next to me. 

"Thank you Mister!!" he says with a smile as he marches to the bag. How could I ever resist someone so cute? 

I need to figure this all out so I bring both of the children back to the kitchen table so that they can eat their-MY cookies in peace. Suga looks at the milk warily while the four year old boy happily munches on the cookies. 

I look over to the bunny like boy. "What's your name?" 

The four year old boy swallows down his cookie, crumbs still on his face as he says. "My names Jungkook!!" 

Okay we were getting somewhere. "How did you guys get into my house?" I asked. 

Jungkook says, "Miss. Stephanie brought us here!!" Stephanie? She was a friend of mine that worked at an orphanage, but why was she bringing kids to my house. Suga unzippers his backpack and takes a piece of paper out and hands it to me. 

"She told me to give it to you." The kid replies as he takes a bite out of a chocolate chip cookie. 

I take the paper from his hand. I opened up the paper as I read the words below. 


          Please forgive me for breaking into your house, however it's technically not breaking in if the key was under the doormat. You really need to find a better hiding spot. However, I write to you with great sorrow to say that the orphanage has closed. We just couldn't keep up with the rent and soon we didn't have enough money to take care of all of the children, you know the government doesn't give us much. Anyways many more orphanages and adoption centers opened up their doors for the rest of the children, however five still remained. So I'm sorry if it seem's rushed but I would like you to take care of them. Jin always told me how he wanted to adopt kids when you guys grew older. 

I bite the side of my cheek, did I forget to tell her about the break up? Shit, I probably did since I was so caught up with work. 

So that's why I decided to leave them with you two. I am sure that you two are going to be great parents for these children. 

I trace my finger over parents. If only that could've happened. 

I left you these two, the white haired one is called Min Yoongi, he's obsessed with music and the piano. He calls himself Suga most of the time, play along ok? The second one is Jeon Jungkook, the little guy is so strong but is so adorable at the same time!! Make sure you don't let even an ant touch him!! 

I chuckles a bit over her tone, but then I read on and my blood runs cold on the next sentence. 

The rest of the kids are back at Jin's apartment, the- 

JIN'S APARTMENT!! I don't even continue reading the sentence, slamming the letter down as I jump out of my seat, scaring the two kids on the table. I could already imagine the embarrassing situation of him looking over me with disgust as if I was trying to force my kids on him! 


Immediately I look over to them. "Get in the car!! We need to go now!!" 

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