Her Acquaintance, Right from Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Oh!" You said surprised that he would ask you this and brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear as you tilted your head to the side. "Well then what do you want to know about me?" You asked him with a smile on your face.

"Anything," Alois began to say. "What's your favorite color? What do you like to do? Maybe a bit more about you being able to use magic," he said slowly as his baby blue eyes gazed into your (E/C) ones.

"Well if you really want to know," you told him with a large smile on your face. "My favorite color happens to be (F/C) and in my free time I always like to read and do plenty of other stuff as well. As for being able to use magic, I've always been able to do it and been practicing ever since I was young. Oh and on a side not I happen to love eating pocky, it's so delicious."

"Pocky? What's that," Alois asked you with a curious expression on his face.

You laughed inwardly at this knowing that it was obvious that he wasn't going to know what you were referring to. "It's a type of sweet snack that I love to eat. It's really delicious!" That was one thing you couldn't help but miss back in your old world.

"Maybe I could try it someday," Alois. "Though I'll always tend to prefer oily fish and chips."

"I think I've tried that before but I don't really remember. They sound good though," you said.

"They really are!" He exclaimed out happily. "Someday the two of us should go out and get some together!"

"Yeah that would be great!" You said with a closed eyed smile. "I would really love to do that."

Alois let out a happy grin upon hearing that. "Great then its a date."

"Wait! A date!" You exclaimed out surprised.

Alois let out a smirk and he nodded his head. "Yup! So (Y/N). What do you want to do today?" He asked you and you glanced at him in mild surprised.

"Don't you have work to do today?" You asked him, assuming that he would most likely be working today, since you knew he was always busy having to do something.

"I do actually," Alois said with a childish smirk. "I just don't want to do anything since you're here. I'd rather spend time with you than do boring 'ol business work."

"Still you shouldn't slack off," You said with a chuckle. "I'll help you even," you told him as you set down your empty cup back down onto the platter. 'That was delicious,' you thought as you watched as Alois finished his own and set it down alongside yours.

"Are you sure you really want to help me?" He asked you. "It can be very boring at times, though I don't mind if you help me. My work's in my study room," he told you and you stood up and let out a stretch.

"Well then what are we waiting for," you said with a large smile on your face as you grabbed Alois's arm and pulled him up alongside you. "Let's finish this as quickly as we can that way we can have fun."

"It's almost like you can read my mind," Alois said with a laugh. "We'll just let Claude or Hannah get this," he said indicating toward the platter with empty cups. "I don't think you've ever seen my study room. Why don't I show it to you," he said with a happy smile.

"I would certainly love to," you told him with a grin and with that Alois grabbed onto your arm and dragged you out of his room. You made sure to close his door behind the two of you as Alois pulled you down the hall and toward the direction of his study room.

It was then that as the two of you were making your way down the hall, you happened to see the triplets making their way down the hall in your directions. You began to slow down making Alois glance back at you in surprise and you gave him a small smile as you pointed at the triplets. "I just want to say hi," you whispered into his ear.

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