Her Acquaintance, The Invite

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Coming upon the stairs, you began to make your way down them due to the fact that Ciel's study room was downstairs. 'So much has happened lately. It feels like I'm been here for my entire life although its only been about 6 months. I wonder how things are going back in my dimension.'

You were to lost in your thoughts to notice that a certain blonde hair gardener was crossing your path and it was only a matter of a minute that the two of you collided into each other.

You let out a startled shriek as you fell off of the last step of the stairs and saw for a split second that Finny's eyes were wide in surprise before you fell on top of him. Whatever he was holding was thrown around the two of you as both your bodies collided onto the ground.

You let out a groan as you felt pain shoot up your spine due to the fall and you winced out. You had fallen on top of something soft, helping to brace your fall and you slowly opened your eyes to see what is was. Your eyes widen upon gazing down at Finny who's eyes were closed. You were lying on top of the said boy, your hands pressed against his chest.

A blush crept onto your face upon gazing down upon Finny's face. Being this close to the gardener reminded you of how cute the boy was. Finny blinked his eyes opened and his gaze locked onto your face. Instantly, a deep blush crossed onto his face as he gazed into your eyes.

"(Y/N)!" He stuttered out as his eyes widened upon seeing that you were lying on top of him.

"I'm sorry Finny," you exclaimed out as you pushed yourself off of his chest and scooted backward. "I wasn't looking where i was going and ended up tripping on you. Sorry again."

"Its fine really," Finny stuttered out as his cheeks and the tips of his ears flared red as he cast his gaze to the side. "I'm just glad that you didn't get hurt much."

It was then that your gaze landed on a blue rose that was lying at your side as you reached over to pick it up. You then noticed that there were more surrounding the two of you and you glanced over at Finny who was already watching you.

"I didn't mean to cause you to spill these. You must have been bringing these somewhere," you told him as you reached over to grab one of the flowers that had fallen. You stopped upon feeling Finny's hand on top of yours and glanced up to see that his blush had deepened.

"I was actually bringing these for you," he said shyly as he picked up the rose and gave it to you. You instantly blushed upon hearing this. "Thanks Finny," you told him as you helped him to gather the rest of the roses that had fallen. Upon gathering all the ones that he had dropped, Finny handed the flowers to you which you thanked him for.

"The ones you got me before were already withering, I'm glad that i have more to switch them out with," you said.

"I'm just glad that you like them," Finny said as you raised yourself up and onto your feet. You stuck your hand down to Finny and helped him up onto his feet.

"I should probably go and place these in a vase," you said out loud as you glanced down at the flowers that you carried in your hands. "I don't want to deprive them of their nourishment." It was then that the others crossed your mind, not to mention Sebastian. "I didn't happen to see them when I was making my way through the manor where are the others oh and do you happen to know where Sebastian is?"

"Oh! Both Mey-Rin and Bard are in the kitchen preparing some food for the young master, Mey-Rin is just helping him," Finny said after a moments pause. "I think Sebastian is with the young master in his study room. From what I can remember he said something about helping him with work or something."

"Thanks i needed to find Sebastian but i couldn't find him anywhere. Thanks for the help!" You told the gardener with a smile on your face. "And thanks for the roses Finny I really do love them."

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