His Butler, Capricious

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You gave him a gentle nudge which made him quickly glance at you. You flashed him a smile as you said, "We'll at least you'll be able to get some peace and quiet," you told him although you knew the irony in your words.

"Some peace and quiet does sound nice about now," Ciel said as Sebastian reached down and opened the door to the study room only to be greeted by Grell, Lau, and Angelina searching through the cabinets, bookshelves, and pots. "Ugh," Angelina said as she rummaged through the bookcases. "Goodness sake, where do they keep the tea in this house?"

"I can't find it either," Lau said as he turned over a vase trying to see if there was anything in it.

You turned away to from the others as an attempt to hide your laughter due to the comical expressions both Ciel and Sebastian were making at the sight of the others in the room. Angelina continued on talking as if she still didn't notice the three of you. "Don't be silly it won't be there," she said shouting out at Lau.

Ciel raced into the room, gazing at the others shocked. "Madame Red, Lau what are you doing here!?" He asked them as he glanced around at the both of them. "Is everyone sneaking in here now," he gave you an accusing look which made you instantly look away, whistling a tune underneath your breath.

Angelina gave Ciel a smirk as she said, "Ciel your early dear." From the way she was talking you could guess that she as well as everyone else in the room knew that Ciel was coming to this house. Lau 'glanced' at Ciel as he nodded his head, " Your sudden appearance here in town could only mean.."

"The Queen's guard dog has a new scent to follow," Angelina finished off for him. Ciel looked completely bored as he gazed at the two of them, a frown on his face.

Peering around his shoulder, you lightly pushed him to the side as you raced your way over to where Angelina stood. "Angelina!" You cried out as you raced into her outstretched arms as she pulled you into a hug. "It's so good to be able to see you again," you cried out as you tightly hugged her.

"Wow my dear aren't you a strong one," she said as she hugged you back. You loosen your​ hold on her and pulled back as you smiled up at her. "Sorry about that. I'm just so happy to see you again." 'Crap i forgot my own strength there for a moment.' Angelina let out a laugh as she ruffled your (H/C) hair with a smile on her own face. "It's good to see you again (Y/N)," she said. "I hope that you've been doing well."

You quickly shook your head in a reply. "I've been doing great!" you said enthusiastically before lowering your voice down to a whisper. "And i've been looking out for Ciel as well." Angelina's eyes softened as she gazed into your own. "That's good to hear thank you."

"Ahem," the sound of Ciel clearing his throat made the two of you turn to look at him as he gestured to follow him. We headed after him as he led the way to a dining room, before taking a seat at the head of the table that was there. Both Angelina and Lau took at seat at the other seats that were there, while you, Sebastian, and Grell stood standing behind them. Immediately, Sebastian was serving Ciel tea and had set down a raisin cake in front of him. Taking a sip of his tea, Ciel looked up at the rest of us before saying, "He struck again, another prostitute was found gruesomely murdered in White Chapel. These killings are far from normal, the level of violence is unprecedented."

Sebastian picked up from where Ciel had stopped at. "The most recent victim was a woman name Mary Nickels. A special type of blade was used on her. She was torn up beyond recognition." As Sebastian continued on explaining about the case, your gaze went over to where Angelina was sitting at. 'Why are you doing this Angelina? How could you even do something like this?'

"They call the killer, Jack the Ripper," Ciel said. "That's why I'm​ here earlier than expected, i hurried into town to begin my search and look into the situation for myself."

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