Her Acquaintance, Out in town

Start from the beginning

"Uhh.. but Ciel i don't know my way around the town," you said.

Ciel looked surprised, but let out a sly grin. "But i thought you said that you had been in London for a while, even though you came from America."

You let out a nervous chuckle at that, thinking of something to say. "Well.. yeah.. but I haven't ventured around the town a lot, I usually lived out in the country."

"So you say." Ciel waved his hand as if dismissing you, saying that you could leave. "Don't worry the coach i have already knows where you will be going so rest assured."

You nodded before telling Ciel goodbye and heading out of the study room. Coming upon the foyer you noticed Sebastian standing besides the front door.

"I'm guessing that the young master has informed you of your duty for the day," he said as he handed you a small leather bag. A loud clatter was heard as the bag dropped into your hand signaling that their was some coins inside. "The coach is waiting outside. It is ordered to come back before sunset so you better not be slacking when out there."

You let out a sigh as you nodded and ticked the bag into your pocket. "I'll try to hurry along, your honor~" You bounded out of the house casting Sebastian a sly glance back as you hopped into the open carriage. Tucking the skirt of the dress underneath you, you settled down onto the leathery seats making yourself comfortable. Lightly banging the top of the carriage to alert the driver, the carriage lurched forward heading away from the manor.

You watched as the manor grew smaller into the distance as the carriage headed down the unfamiliar. Settling back, you made yourself comfortable as your eyes slowly sanked down closed. 'Might as well relax for now, I have time before I get to town.'

The carriage bounced, making you snap your eyes open and look around startled. You were lurched forward onto the floor of the carriage. Frustrated, you slowly picked yourself up from the floor and banged on the ceiling in anger. "Watch where your going!"

You sat yourself down on the cushions, rubbing your tires eyes. 'I guess I must have fallen asleep.' Curious as to where you were now, you drew back the curtains and peered out the window. Your eyes widened in amazement as you found yourself now crossing a bridge, the town just off in the distance. 'Wow it looks so amazing from here.'

In a couple more minutes, the carriage had entered the town. Eyes wide, you glanced around the large crowded streets, entranced by the sight. Maidens walked the street in large outrageous gowns as they chatted with each other on the latest gossip. Kids raced around in battered clothes as they played games such as hop scotch and tag. Shops were opened and crowded as people entered in and out, buying what they needed.

The carriage lurched to a stop at the side of the street, once again throwing you to the floor. 'Damn it, why do I have to be so clumsy? I should be used to this already.'

Pushing the door open, you carefully step out and stumbled to the ground. You gain your balance as you pulled out the paper from your pocket that held the list of things that you needed. Skimming through it, the first thing you saw on the list was a new tea set. 'Guess Mey-Rin must have broken another set.' You let out a small giggle just thinking of her and her clumsy actions.

You glanced up, finding yourself standing in front of a tea shop. 'I think this is the place.' The bell ringed as you entered the shop. It was pretty cute on the inside with a teal color to the walls, shelves were lined up with tea sets and many brands of the tea themselves.

You headed up to the front desk, seeing a frustrated cashier talking with a ferious familiar blue-eyed blonde.

"What do you mean you don't have any Lavender tea," Alois shouted at the owner.

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