Murder for dinner (The real story for the above 2 chapters)

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I know I said I won't be specifying information but this is a very popular case and the story is something people should know about; in my view.

June 23, 1984; 15 year old Californian girl Kirsten Costas (born on July 23 1969) was brutally stabbed multiple times (5 according to autopsies) to death by a girl named Bernadette Protti.
Costas was lured with a phony invitation to a dinner for the Bob-o-Links, a sorority-like group at school. According to Protti's later testimony, she had planned to take Costas to the party to befriend her, but Costas got angry when she was told that there was no dinner for the new "Bobbies". The girls quarreled, and Costas fled to the home of Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, living nearby, telling them that her friend had gone "weird". When Costas could not reach her parents by telephone, Alex Arnold drove her home, noticing that a Pinto–the Protti family's car–was following them. At the Costas home, Arnold, sitting in his car, saw Protti attack Costas. He initially thought that he was seeing a fist fight, but in fact Protti stabbed Costas five times with a butcher knife and fled. The Costas' neighbors called an ambulance, but Kirsten was mortally wounded and died at a nearby hospital.

Researched from:-
1. Female killers (YouTube)
2. 'Kirsten Costas' (Wikipedia)

Word count: 233 words

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