18 "Grand. Now I'm getting the short end of the stick."

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I spent most of the weekend preparing for the presentation and the upcoming exams. Sunday Evening Riley and I video chatted.

"I think I'm gonna extend my stay for another year," she announced.

I choked on my tea. "Why? I thought you miss home so badly."

She rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Ellen? Home? There's no such a thing anymore."

My demeanour darkened. "You already know?"

She nodded. "I talked to dad. He told me that he's planning to move out after your graduation."

I gasped. My chest tightened.

"Shit. I promised dad not to tell you."

"How could they keep such a huge thing from me?" I cried out.

"They don't want you to worry. Your graduation is so close."

"What about you though? Are you ok?"

Tears shimmered in her eyes. "No," she snivelled, "but my life here is hectic. I'm busy with school and outdoor activities. I have great friends. Those keep me distracted."

"Is that the reason why you've decided to spend another year abroad?" I asked sadly.

She didn't need to answer since we both knew the answer.

She wiped off the tears, attempting to smile. "I'm really looking forward to your visit in two weeks."

I smiled back. "Me, too."


I was aware that Jasper played hockey. However, I wasn't aware that he played excellent hockey. He was like a rocket shooting at the speed of light.

After the game, which they by far won, I waited for Jasper outside the changing room. He walked out with some teammates, freshly showered. When he saw me, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me as if there were nothing else around us. My palm laid flat against his firm chest, making futile attempts to push him away.

"Your teammates are watching!" I mumbled into his mouth.

He only held me tighter. "Sshh, concentrate."

I blushed heavily.

The spectators called: "Get a room!"

Finally Jasper released me, but still looped an arm around my shoulders. He introduced me to his friends who confirmed that Jasper had never brought his previous girlfriends to the games.

"How many girls had you dated before me?" I grilled him while we were sitting in the train.

"A bunch?" He answered nonchalantly.

"Grand. Now I'm getting the short end of the stick," I growled sarcastically.

He pressed a kiss on my hairs. "But I have never been so serious about anyone except for you. Ever." He reinforced solemnly.

I huddle up to him. "You better be."

His chest vibrated, indicating that he was laughing.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" He asked softly, caressing my arm. I inhaled deeply, sucking in his magnificent scent from his shirt.

"Due to the presentation? Nope. 'Cause I had an excellent tutor." I smiled.

"And how are you going to thank him properly?"

"Well. I think there's no need since he's my boyfriend," I teased.

"Your boyfriend, hm?" I could hear the grin in his voice, mixed with a hint of bewilderment.

I lifted my head in order to meet his eyes. "What?"

He shrugged. "I had my doubts about you accepting our relationship."

"Why?" I wondered.

The train arrived at the station near Jasper's place.

"Let's go," he said, dodging my question. He continued the avoidance the entire way back to his building.

I increasingly became annoyed. "Is it because I wasn't as easy to get as your exs? Well congratulations then! I assure you that you got me! At one hundred per cent!" I yelled.

In a twice my back hit the door of his flat. Jasper pressed his hard body was against mine. "Dammit, Ellen! Look at you! You are smart, funny, not to mention beautiful. You could find someone much more better than me. Yet, for some reason, you chose me. What a lucky bastard I am."

I froze at his sudden vulnerability. "Hey," I cupped his face, "You said it yourself - I could find someone else but I want you. Don't doubt it. Or me. What's wrong with you anyway? Where is the smug Jasper I know?"

"Earlier when my buddies mentioned my ex-girlfriends ... I'm not proud of my dating history, ok?" He whispered against my lips.

Ceasing to stroking the back of his head, I pulled him down for a kiss. "Relax. Even I don't worry." I said in between our lips locking. He just kissed me harder.

It'd be a lie to say that Jasper's obvious chaotic private life before me didn't bother me. Of course it did, since I was in love with him. But as long as the past stayed the past, and as long as he remained faithful to me, I was willing to give us a shot.

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