13 "Think hard, then."

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Jasper resided in a high-rise tower block in the city centre. The elevator took me to floor twenty-one, which approximately consisted of seven flats. I checked my phone again for the door number. 215, as indicated on the bell. I pressed it. A few seconds later the door swung open, and a Jasper, wearing a sleeveless shirt und sport shorts, appeared into sight. Words remained stuck on my tongue for a moment. He looked absolutely delicious. His hairs stood up in all directions, and his shirt was damp with sweat. He must be working out consistently, concluding from his bulging biceps, the veins running down his forearms and those hard thighs.

He coughed, breaking the ice. "Sorry, I just got home like five minutes ago. Haven't had the time to shower yet. Come in."

"Why didn't you shower at the gym?" I wondered, stepping in, flustered from checking him out. I found it disgusting to leave the gym and being a sweaty mess. "Thanks again for letting me drop by at such a short notice."

He closed the door quietly. "The gym is right around the corner. Plus, I prefer to shower at home anyway."

The flat was stunning. The floor-to-ceiling window in the living room provided a magnificent view over the entire city. There was a huge television hanging on the black wall. A giant L-shaped white sofa stood opposite to it. The pillows seemed super comfy. Compared to the opulent living room the kitchen was rather small, comprising a bar und a tiny cooking area.

"Yeah, the shower at home is definitely cleaner," I agreed.

He smirked. "That's not the reason."

"Then what is it?"

He led me through the flat, halting as we arrived at a shut door. He turned around. Suddenly I was sandwiched between the door and his hard body. His right hand was braced next to my head. He smelled like a mix of sweat and deodorant, which was, to my surprise, an intoxicating combination.

"Freedom of pleasure," he stated earnestly.

"What?" I frowned, bewildered. Then it struck me. "Pervert!" I slapped him on the chest, feeling my cheeks heating up.

He broke out in laughter. I seized the opportunity, and ducked out of the trap.

"So ... where's my book?" I stammered.

He opened the door, revealing a somewhat cluttered but still tidy room. The walls were painted in light gray. A king-size bed stood in the middle. To its left there was a big window through which the light of the sunset was penetrating. The anthracite-coloured table opposite the bed was scattered with papers and pens. Some crumpled papers gathered around it. The bin as well as the laundry basket were full but there were no socks flying around the place and the bed was made. I was impressed.

He picked up his backpack from the ground and rummaged in it. He pulled out the book I was looking for.

"Here you go. Sorry." He scratched the back of his head.

"Never mind," I assured him, glad that I didn't need to compensate for a new book in case of losing the old one. "Well," I began while turning to leave, "I'll get going then."

"Hey," he grasped me by the wrist, "have you thought about my suggestion?"

Facing him again, I could barely meet his electric blue eyes, because the truth was that I wanted to say yes to go out with him. I'd rarely be shy in terms of pursuing things I fancied. I was undeniably attracted to Jasper from the first moment on I laid eyes on him. However, the timing couldn't be worst.

"I didn't change my mind."


I inwardly let out a frustrated groan. Why are you being so persistent?

"Look, Jasper, you seem like a real cool guy. And I'm sure there's a bunch of girls who'd kill to go out with you. Unfortunately, I don't belong to one of them. I appreciate that you solved my video crisis and I certainly owe you one. But that's it."

His face lightened up. "You said it, you owe me one."

"Don't you dare use it as an excuse to ask me out," I scowled.

"Nah, you don't get to choose."

Figuring it was pointless to discuss with him further, I said finally: "Whatever. How would you like me to pay you back?"

He made a brooding expression. "Are you free next weekend?"


I'd promised my uncle to help out at his restaurant a month ago. There was a big wedding taking place.

His countenance darkened. "You're not lying to me, aren't you?"

"Jasper," I cried out almost hysterically, "as much as I'm not looking forward to spending more time with you I won't lie to you."

"Ouch, not even a white lie?" He pouted.

"Not even a white lie."

He looked genuinely hurt for a second but it dissipated quickly. "You are cold-hearted," he murmured, walking out of the room. I followed him.

"Since you can't wait to get away from me, I won't hold you back."

He opened up the door, leaning casually against it.

Damn, now I felt bad. Was I being too harsh? I stared at my feet and fidgeted, considering to apologise. On the other hand, I didn't do anything wrong, did I? I just rejected him. And if he were a man, he'd be able to handle a rejection.

"Don't get too excited though, I'll call you once I come up with something," he said in a playful tone, when I got to the threshold. I mentally granted myself a round of applause for not having apologised.

"Think hard, then."

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