7 "Can I just say how awesome you are?"

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People were throwing me undefinable glances every time I walked past them. My palm burned from its earlier contact with that bastard's face. God, how could someone be that hideous? Going behind one's back was something I detested most. I genuinely preferred open confrontation.

Entering maths class, all heads automatically pointed at my direction. I sighed weakly. In the middle of unpacking, Josephine tipped my shoulder from behind. "Hey. Can I just say how awesome you are? I've never reckoned you to be such a blunt person since you are always so reserved in classes, but that video totally blew me away!"

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"I'm Josephine in case you don't know," she added, grinning.

Heat crept up on my cheeks. "Do I come over that ignorant?"

She wrinkled her nose. "Nah, 'isolated' would be more accurate."

A bark of laughter escaped my throat. "Well, you're pretty straightforward yourself. By the way, I am well aware of the first AND the last name of every single student in this class as well as other classes I attend. Josephine Melbourne."

Her pink lips twitched in delight. "Good for you. I don't." She shrugged.

Mr B walked in, and I considered our conversation to be ended when Josephine suggested out of the blue: "Wanna grab a coffee together later?"

"Sure," I answered, bewildered. Mr B resumed where he'd stopped yesterday. I half-heartedly paid attention while wondering how a girl would possibly want to be seen with me after such a scandal? Perhaps she was trying to attention? I invisibly shook the head in denial. Just because something unpleasant happened to you, you didn't have to assume the worst of everybody. I knew Josephine a little. She didn't seem like an evil person.

Mr B suddenly said my name. Crap. Did he ask a question? He pointed at the board. I almost grimaced. Not again. Since Mr B discovered that I was the only one in this class who was capable of solving quartic equations, he didn't bother asking anymore but instead calling me up to the front straightaway.

Hauling my butt from the chair, I trudged forward.

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