20 "What the hell are you up to?"

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Later, when I was about to step out of home, Jasper texted me, apologising for not able to accompany to the airport after all. He didn't say why. I dialled his number.

"Hey. You alright?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah." He sounded stressed. And tired. "Sorry I can't make it. God. Two weeks. I miss you already."

My heart ached. Everything between us was so fresh. Not seeing him for two weeks was going to be tough to bear.

"I won't," I persisted stubbornly.

"Liar." He saw through me immediately.

I sighed. "Is Josie giving you a hard time?"

"The thing with Josie is complicated. I can't just not care for her."

The 'why?' question was on the tip of my tongue. However, someone yelled in the background. Someone who sounded very much like Josie. Stings of Jealousy suffused my skin.

"Ellen, I've got to go. Call me once you landed, 'k?"

I suppressed the urge to act like a brat but complied instead, like every understanding girlfriend would do.


Riley was glowing. Inside and outside. The year abroad must do her the world of good. She had dyed her hairs to blond, and was wearing a mini skimpy skirt matched with a biker jacket and a pair biker boots. She screamed when I exited.

We fell into each other's arms, giggling. My laughter died as I discovered Matt standing not far away.

"Riley, what is Matt doing here?" I frowned. My voice was filled with scepticism.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Matt is studying at the University of British Columbia now. We met a few weeks ago by chance. Isn't that cool?" She beamed.

That was so not cool.

I grimaced. "Um-hmm."

"Ellen, it's good to see you." Matt said warmly.

He hadn't changed. He still had those dark blond curls that needed a cut. His physique was still rather stout. And he still wore that kind, boyish smile.

I nodded. "Yeah, same," I answered awkwardly. We hadn't crossed paths since we broke up, which was a year ago. When we were kids, our families would go out for dinner together once or twice a week. That stopped after Matt became a senior.

Matt insisted to take my luggage. We strolled to his car, which he borrowed from his aunt who resided in Vancouver.

During the drive to Riley's host family my younger sister rambled about how the life in Canada was like, how the school, people, culture differed from that of our country. I inwardly groaned since I heard it for the umpteenth time.

"How're things going, Ellen?" Matt interrupted, as if sensing my slight vexation.

"Pretty well. What about you? How long are you planning to stay?" I seized the opportunity and switched the topic. As much as I loved my sister, she tended to repeat herself.


Riley's host parents welcomed me warmly. It was very kind that they let me sleep in their guest room for the following two weeks.

After dinner we hung out in Riley's room. There was big window which offered a generous view of the suburb.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing really exciting to do here in the suburbs. But Vancouver is like forty minutes away by train. Believe me, the city is so worth visiting. Can't wait to show you around."

"I'm looking forward to it." I smiled.

"Ah! Before I forgot to mention it again, Matt will be joining us." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Riley White!" I sat upright in the armchair. "What the hell are you up to?"

"Nothing," she replied innocently.

I threw her a filthy glance.

She rolled her eyes. "Matt insisted. Frankly - I don't know why. Maybe he wants you back? When I told him that you were coming, he grew all excited."

I exhaled heavily. Why would he want me back? It was true that we broke up primarily because he left for college and not because we didn't have feelings for each other anymore. However, in the last couple of months of our relationship those feelings altered. At least as I was concerned. He had been busy with graduation, college applications, and badminton, while I fought through the finals for senior year. We pretty much stopped doing couple-ly things, rather we had each other's back, asking occasionally how was everything going - like friends.

Realising it didn't bother me meant at the same time that our romantic relationship was over. Matt didn't disapprove when I suggested to end things, though he emphasised to stay in touch, which didn't happen.

"Please not," I groaned.

Riley smirked in schadenfreude. "Well, the holidays are going to be very interesting."

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