Once we parked, we both climbed out of the vehicle in a hurry and made our way to the back door. As soon as Demitri opened it, I could hear the screams coming from upstairs. Letting my instincts kick in, I ran to the VIP rooms to be met with a man lying on the ground, seizing as foam spilled out of his mouth. 

I widened my eyes as I knelt down beside Marcel. "What happened?" 

"I have no idea, I heard screaming and came in here as fast as I could, we need to call the police."
Nodding, I glanced down at the man as Demitri dialed 911 into his phone and pressed it to his ear. 

The man continued to seize, but slowly calmed down as I placed my hand on his arm. Soon, his body stopped trembling and the foam stopped spilling out from between his lips. Wiping it away with the towel next to his head, I cooed to him to comfort him.

I arched my brow as I scanned the foam that had come out, it was an odd green color and fizzing as if it was carbonated. 

Gesturing to an empty glass on the table, I glanced at the lady that was staring down at us in horror. "Hand me his glass."

As she did what I said, I scanned the inside of it and instantly recognized the smell. Allowing my eyes to land on his hands, I spotted the ring on his finger with the emblem and ruby on it. 

"Marcel, get her out of here." I whispered carefully.
Doing as I said, Marcel guided the woman out of the room as I peered at Demitri.

"He's been poisoned with vervain."

His eyes widened as he took in my words, "Who the hell would poison a clan member? My bartenders would never risk that, let alone attempt to kill a member."

Glancing down at him, I sighed. "We need to get him to the church before the police get here."

Agreeing, Demitri helped me pick the man up as we sped through the back rooms and outside to his truck. Once we pulled out of the lot and began to make our way to the church, the clans sanctuary, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed Marcels number.

"Marcel, you need to convince the cops and paramedics that the call was a mistake and everything is okay. Once that's finished, bring the woman who was in the room to the church. Keep her there for the night."

"Of course, I'll get her there as soon as possible."

As I hung up, we pulled up to the large building and jumped out. Once I got the man out of the truck and over my shoulder, we jogged through the large front doors to the staircase leading downstairs. 

"Marbella, we need a drip and some vervain solution asap." I screamed as we ran through the hall to where she was sitting in the large white area at her desk. Nodding, Marbella shot out of her seat and directed us to an empty room with a small hospital bed and some medical supplies. 

The man groaned in pain as I placed him on the bed. 
"What happened?" Marbella asked as she pierced a needle into the mans arm and started the drip solution.

"He was poisoned by vervain at Le Club." Demitri's answer was hesitant. 

Marbella raised her brow as she finished the IV and opened a bag of liquid. "Who would poison a clan member?" Her question caused us both to shrug as she poured the liquid into a glass and brought it up to the mans lips.

"Listen, your gonna have to drink this in order to have the possibility of surviving the vervain. It won't be pleasant, but bare with me." Doing as Marbella recommended, the man slowly opened his eyes and began drinking from the cup. 
A sour look spread across his face as he finished it and laid his head back down. The color in his face began to return as his eyes cleared from the red hue that had stained them earlier. 

Taking a deep breath, I searched him and tried to figure out if I knew him somewhere, but I haven't met him yet. Bloodworth Clan has a huge amount of members. 

"He's going to need to get some rest, you guys can question him later."
Nodding, Demitri and I left the room with Marbella following behind. 

"I'll call you guys when he's strong enough to talk."

"Thanks, Marbella." As she returned to the room where the man was, Demitri and I left the white area and made our way through the large hallway leading to the staircase.

"Lets get back to Le Club, see if we could find something that tells us why he was poisoned or who poisoned him." My voice echoed as we trotted up the stairs and to a wide room in the back. 

Agreeing, Demitri led me outside and to his truck. After opening the passenger side door for me, I shot him a grin and climbed in. 

Even during stressful times, he still manages to be sweet towards me. I just wish I could be clear minded for him, but dealing with the death of my aunt has been so hard that we really haven't had time to sit down and talk about us. But he's been so patient with me, and so understanding. 

After we got back home from America months ago, it took awhile for Alyssa to really get comfortable with her new home and everyone else. But it has gotten easier, and she is beginning to feel a little better every day. She loves living with Nora, Alec, and I, in their huge house. She has her own room with her own bathroom. We painted her walls pink and decorated it like a princess room just for her, her own little castle. 

We have yet to tell her about being vampires, she won't be learning that for a very long time. She doesn't question anything, and we keep all of the vampire details under wraps when she's around, but other than that, it's been going pretty great. School has even been going good, she's been going to a private school by the house for almost a month now, she's even learning some French. 
Every time I look into her blue eyes, I see her mother. And I can't help but blame myself for her death, but I stay strong for my family. 

Once we got to Le Club, I climbed out of the car and quickly made my way back into the building with Demitri at my side. The moment we began walking up the stairs into the VIP room where the man was poisoned, I could still smell the vervain.

"Marcel brought the woman to the church to talk to her." Aleksandra met us in the room and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

I nodded, "Any idea if she's vampire or not?"

She shrugged, "If she isn't, we'll wipe her memory. By the way she reacted to him falling, I'd assume she's human."

I shook my head quickly and ran my hand through my hair. "Demitri, where's your staff?"

As if on cue, all of the workers made their way into the room quietly. 

"Ah, there you all are. So, looks like we have a bit of an issue on our hands." I glanced at every one of the workers, searching for a clue of who must have done this. They all sat still, looking completely oblivious. 

"Who put vervain in that mans drink?" I asked with a demanding tone.

One of the bartenders gave me a confused look, "We would never poison one of our own. If I were you, I'd look into that woman he was with."

Shifting my weight to my side, I arched my brow. "So there's nothing y'all want to tell us? Anything?"

As they nodded in unison, I made an attempt to see any deceiving traits but found nothing but truth in their eyes. Taking a step in front of all five of them, I reached my hands out and grasped one man by the arm in attempt to see if I could envision anything. With no luck, I moved onto the next and the next. 

After clearing them to leave the room, I let my eyes land on the glass again. Grasping it in my hands, I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. But nothing.

As I set it back on the table, I sighed. "Whoever this was, they knew what they were doing. Lets keep Le Club closed down for now, I don't think it's a good idea to have people around while there's danger present."

Agreeing with me, Demitri and I made our way into the hallway to the stairs. 

Clearing his throat, Demitri looked back at Aleksandra for a second. "Will you question anyone who was near the room when the incident happened until we can return? Riah and I need to pick Alyssa up from school."

Nodding, she waved goodbye as we left the club.

Red Deception {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now