Chapter Thirty Nine: What have we Done?

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The Dwarf King explained his plan to the others and they started to break off in groups to take different passages to throw the dragon off. Bella was about to head off with Dwalin and Nori, when she felt a strong hand grab hers and pull her in his direction. " You're coming with me, Balin and Bilbo." Thorin ordered. The half-breed didn't argue this time, like she would have. She felt more safe knowing she would be with him, even though it hadn't gone unnoticed that every time they were together it was always one of them getting hurt and she started to have second thoughts if they should separate so they wouldn't be a distraction to one another, making sure the other was safe and wind up putting everyone else in danger.

Thorin could feel the tension coming from the young woman and he just squeezed her hand to assure her that everything would be fine. The leader nodded to his men and they all took off in different directions waiting for their cues. Bella pulled out her sword, indicating she was ready. "This way!" Thorin shouted running out first onto the bridge with Bilbo, Balin and Bella charging right behind him. Part of his plan was to make as much noise as possible to draw out the beast. The woman's head snapped to the left when she heard a sound of flapping wings near them.

"Flee, flee! Run for your lives! There is nowhere to hide." The dragon taunted appearing before them. The four of them came to screeching halt. The young woman let out a gasp as the beast now stood no more then two feet in front of them.

"Behind you!" Dori's voice shouted from down below on another bridge, with Ori and Bombur right behind him ready to fight. The dragon turns around and lunges towards them. " Come on!" Dori yelled again as the three of them turn and run from the beast that now began chasing them. Seeing this Thorin, Bella, Bilbo and Balin continue to run across the bridge and into the tunnel away from the danger, barely hearing the sound of Dawlin's voice shouting at the dragon.

Bella felt like they had been running for hours through passages, she even started to wonder if they had been going around in circles. They came to another large hallway. Thorin was in front leading them, with Bilbo and Bella right at his heels and Balin was behind them who suddenly turned into a hidden side tunnel, but sees the three of them still running.

"It's this way! This way! Come on!" Balin shouted. The Hobbit and the Half-breed stopped just passed the tunnel entrance, but the Dwarf King kept going.

"Thorin stop!" Bella yelled. Before the leader could even take more then two steps towards them the ground trembled beneath their feet. All four of them see Smaug behind them. Thorin knew right away he would never make it into the tunnel as he saw the dragon's chest starting to glow orange.

"Follow Balin!" Thorin ordered, looking right at Bella in particular who had yet to move from her position as the beast came closer.

"Thorin!" Bella shouted again, waving her hand at him to run back towards them, when she felt someone yank her by her arm, pulling her into the safety of the passageway as Smaug unleashes his fire throughout the hall.

Balin had to keep pushing the young woman through the tunnel to keep her from turning back to go after Thorin. They reached the end of the tunnel and ended up in the forges, but where was everyone else? Bella turned towards the pillars when she heard familiar voices. Dwalin, Nori and Thorin charged into the forges. Where the dragon was, Bella could only guess.

"The plan's not going to work. These furnaces are stone cold." Dwalin pressed.

"He's right;" Balin added. knowing these furnaces had been cold for years." There's no fire hot enough to set them ablaze."

"Have we not?" Thorin suddenly had an idea as he turned back to look towards the dark pit and walked towards. the pillars. " I did not look to see you so easily outwitted!" All you could see was Smaug's giant claws emerging from the pit, his body following it. " You have grown slow and fat in your dotage." The Dwarf King continued to taunt the beast, who only snarled in anger at Thorin.

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