Ch. 20 Magician's Mistress

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Hariel felt weak, weaker than she had ever felt.

Her head was throbbing, her limbs felt like lead. She couldn't even muster the strength to open her eyes. She felt small hands on her back shaking her but she couldn't force herself to awaken fully. She felt fuzzy, she didn't know what was going on.

"Hari? Hari!" Was the frantic whisper. She tried once again to open her eyes but they weren't cooperating with her. She didn't know who was calling her but sadly they'd have to wait.

She could feel herself slipping away once again.

×Mokuba's p.o.v×

He had awakened to see the teal haired boy staring at him. To the 10 year old boy it was rather creepy. That's all the teal boy does. Just stare. It was getting rather annoying. He still didn't even know his name.

"Your brother thinks he's going to save you." The teal boy said. Mokuba glared at him. Seto always came to save him so Mokuba had no doubt that he was on his way at this very moment. So Mokuba decided not to give this kid the time of day!

He refused to.

He turned away and saw Hariel was still out cold. Mokuba was worried, he'd been up for awhile now and Hariel made no signs of waking up. He thought she was dead at first, until he saw her chest moving with her breathing. He was about to try and shake her when his attention was brought back to the kid his age.

"Oh so you aren't going to speak to me? What if I told you my name? Hmm would that make us on even playing ground Mokuba Kaiba?" The teal haired boy taunted.

Mokuba glared, he wish his big brother would hurry up already.

"Well since I'll be doing all the talking. My name is Noah." The now identified boy said. Mokuba looked to see Hariel still was out.

"Fine. You're boring me anyways." Noah said, his smile malicious as Mokuba could feel his eyes closing on their own accord.

"Night night little brother." Was the last thing Mokuba heard before sharp laughter put him to sleep.

××Hariel's p.o.v××

She could feel that she was on the ground, but she felt on edge. She remembered the last thing was that they were being taking somewhere. Where, she had no idea but she'd tread lightly.

"Well do you have their bodies yet?" She heard someone ask, as she played sleeping.

"No. Seto Kaiba has exited the forest area, he destroyed the boss monster with his Blue eyes white Dragon and seems to be on route towards the manor, Sir." Hariel heard a man say, she didn't dare open her eyes, she was nervous that they'd know she was awake. So she didn't move and continued to act as if she was sleeping.

"Excellent. And what about the other Teenagers?" She heard a child ask. She felt a cold shiver go up her spine. That most be the teal haired kid from before. It had to be.

"We've seperated the duelist into different areas. We've explained the rules, but the Blonde one. A Joey Wheeler. He seems belligerent. He keeps demanding for his cousin? But we only have on record that his sister is in here with the other 2 non-duelist." A different man answered this time.

The child gave a demented giggle.

"I think I know who my mysterious guest is. She was one of the duelist in Seto Kaiba's tournament. But all I have for information is her name and age." The child said, Hariel felt herself stiffen at his words but forced herself to relax.

"Shall I duel Joey Wheeler to gather the information sir?" Another man asked. Hariel was feeling nervous until she felt a hand on hers. She cracked her eye slightly to see Mokuba staring at her. He seemed scared, and from what she over heard there was a good reason to be.

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