Ch. 18 Awakening

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Hariel felt sore, she hasn't even opened her eyes yet, but she could tell she was in the hospital wing, the covers under her fingers were just as uncomfortable as always. Every single time she'd gotten in to trouble she'd always land herself in the infirmary. She was suprised Madame Pomfrey hasn't come to see her yet when she remembered she wasn't at Hogwarts.

She was in a Duel Monsters tournamemt, on a blimp. She clenched her eyes tighter as a wave of nauseas wracked at her body.

Muggle medicine never agreed with her.

Her ears began to ring as she opened her eyes slowly, the lights were dim, she could see the moon still in the sky. So either she had been out for a little bit or she had been out for hours. But being in the shadow realm hasn't helped her time perception.

It had felt like years as her monsters lead her through the abyss of darkness, they had been stopped by other monsters  but they had handled it. At one point she even got Dark Magic of Chaos to crack a smile. It was truly shocking, her duel spirits seemed so human like. Maybe they had been watching her enough they picked up on things. But then again only Silent Magician level 8 talked, and that had been a couple of sentences. Mainly asking of she would be alright once she got back.

She hadnt understood what that meant but Hariel now thinks she understood what her duel monster spirit was talking about. Her body felt like she'd been thrown off her broom. She had to keep herself from groaning.

"Well the big 4 have never been known for being talkative." Hariel heard someone say. She sat up in bed quickly and later regretted it as she covered her mouth with her hand. The nausea was back with a vengence.

"Oh look what you did level 4! She's only a child." She heard someone say. She opened her eyes and closed them once again hoping to be imagining it.

Her mind must have broken in the shadow realm, she thought hysterically. She hadnt just seen Silent Magician level 4 and Maiden of Macabre. She couldn't have.

"Hey! It's rude to ignore us you know!" She heard a child's voice say accompanied by a small foot stomp. Hariel opened her eyes and stared at her two monsters.

"Calm little one." Maiden of Macabre said as she neared her. Hariel thought she should feel fear or maybe something else but then again she was known to roll with the punches. "You are still in shock from the Shadow Realm. But since the shadows aggressively took away the barriers that blocked us from you, you can now see us more clearly and can hear us." Maiden of Macabre added softly, she had a calming presence to her and Hariel felt herself relaxing at it.

"I wanted to tell her! Why do you all get the cool roles! I want to be useful too!" Silent Magician lvl 4 said pouting. Hariel smiled at the smaller magician.

"You are useful," Hariel said before she could stop herself. Silent Magician lvl 4 smiled widely.

"She talked to me!" The small magician said happily. Hariel felt herself smile at the small magician.

"The red eyes master comes forth. We shall be here if you need us." Was Maiden of Macabre cryptic message as the door opened to reveal her cousin Joey and Serenity.

"Ellie! You're okay!" Joey yelled out. Hariel smiled weakly, her ears were ringing and she still had a headache.

She'd kill for a pepper up potion at the moment.

"I'm okay. Just sore." Was her amswer. Serenity sat at her side and grabbed her hand.

"Im,glad you're okay." She whispered. Hariel smiled at her younger cousin. Then looked up to Joey to see his amber eyes were watery. She bit her lip hard. So this is what being cared for by family was like.

This was so much different from how the Dursleys were when she was sick as a kid. Petunia and Vernon just left her to her own devices and would check to see if she had died, she hasn't but she was sure they had been hoping she would.

Uncle Tony, Joey and Serenity  were so much different, they were her family and they were showing concern for her. They were showing they cared for her. She hadnt had this feeling before of a family member caring for her. She felt tears want to leak from her eyes but she was being stubborn.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." Hariel whispered, serenity suprised her and threw herself into Hariel's arms.

"Please don't ever scare us like that again! Just seeing you drop like that and screaming, I wish I hadn't gotten my eyesight back." Serenity sobbed. Hariel tightened her grip on her little cousin and then looked at Joey who looked ashamed of himself.

"I had promised dad I would protect you while you were with me and I've been doing a terrible job." Joey said angrily. Hariel shook her head.

"No I just attract trouble." She said smiling and then motioned for him to join the hug. He did but he was mumbling about how he wasn't a cry baby.

Hariel smiled and felt her cousin wrap his arms around her and Serenity.

Hariel could feel her eyes closing from how warm she felt, but from the corner of her eyes she saw a black dragon.

She blinked rapidly to see if maybe she thought she had seen it but there it was behind Joey a Red eyes black dragon. It looked fearsome but it looked lazily at her and huffed out smoke from its snout.

Serenity had what looked like a little fairy behind her, she didn't know the name but it was buzzing around her in loops. It was cute, like a cherub or something.

She sighed. She hoped known of the group of teenagers on the blimp had any scary looking duel spirits.

Her two magicians were in the corner watching over her. They waved at her and she smiled slightly. Silent Magician level 4 looked like she was trying to play with the Red eyes black dragon. But it was ignoring her. Hariel felt like laughing as Level 4 pouted.

She could get use to this. Hariel thought as she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts driving towards Ry or the spirit of the ring and what he had meant when he said he's be back for his treasure. What treasure? Was Hariel's last coherent though.

1105 words! I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't know where I wanted this to go since its kinda a filler chapter but some Family bonding! And Hariel can see duel monsters! Issa twist! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and hopefully the next one won't be a pain in the butt to write!
Thank you all for voting! For adding my story to your lists and for commenting it means the world to me! 💙💙💙

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