Ch. 17 Enlightenment

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Seto Kaiba's p.o.v

He watched with narrow eyes as his team of doctors carried the young girl from the platform.

Marik was declared the winner by default. Even though Seto was sure if Hariel had stayed conscious just a little longer she wouldve won.

"Big brother, is Hari going to be okay?" Mokuba asked as he looked up at him.

Seto looked down at his little brother and sighed.

"She should be." Was all he could say before the geek squad ran up to them.

"I dont have time for this." Seto said before they could start badgering him. Mokuba stayed with them as he walked off towards his office slash room while on the blimp. He had paperwork he could be doing.

The second round of the tournament finals were going to be drawn tomorrow morning and Seto Kaiba had had a very long day. His mind still playing the spine chilling scream that Hariel had given out before she fell and began to have what looked like a seizure. 

He shook his head. His team of professional doctors would see to her, d if she had any problems theyd let him know. 

How could this young girl he's barely known for a day weasel her way into his heart. He frowned in thought.

Maybe it's because she reminded him of Mokuba, big soft eyes that were always looking for a way to help, even if it made everything worse. He nodded to himself. That's probably it.

He was almost to his office slash room when Roland approached him.

"Sir, Miss Potter is stable." Rolamd said shortly. He nodded and Roland went up to the deck, presumably to watch over Mokuba.

Seto entered his room and saw that it had everything he would need to run his company while being away from his comapny. He might be hosting a tournament but he was still the CEO of Kaiba Corp.

He made his way to his desk and sat down with a groan. This was getting troublesome. Half of his competitors were being hospitalized and the other half might meet the same fate depending on who won.

Namu or Marik as he was later confirmed to be, was a wild card. He seemed insane and Seto couldn't disqualify him. He was playing by the rules, even if he somehow hurt Hariel, Seto couldn't prove it. He did not need bad publicity about his tournament or his comapny, not now, not ever.

Because how could one prove that Marik was using "ancient Magic" as Yugi called it.

They would call him mad, and thats the least of his worries at the moment. They would try to take his company from him. And he couldn't have that, Not after all the trouble he went through to get it to where he wanted it.

He took a deep breath in and exhaled. This was going to be a long report. He thought as he logged into his computer to see that his scientist had sent him his new duel disk.

He was just about to look it over when he got a phone call and from the caller id it was from the Medbay.

"Sir, Hariel Potter woke up screaming, we had to sedate her." His lead Doctor told him.

He ended the call and thought over what he could do about Marik besides win the tournament and get the god card.

"Big brother?" He heard Mokuba call out. The door slid open to show his little brother playing with his shirt nervously.

"Joey woke up. But the man with the face tattoos hasnt." Mokuba said. But that wasn't what seemed to be making him nervous.  "Joey is demanding he be let in to see Hari. But the doctors are still working on her." Mokuba added as he stepped closer to his desk.

Seto rubbed his head that damn mutt, Wheeler.

"After the doctors say Hariel is stable and they cleared her , she can have visitors. Thats if she wakes up any time soon." Seto said. Mokuba looked worried but nodded and went back out to face the friendship geeks.

"Oy! I wanna talk to Moneybags! He can't keep me away from Ellie! Shes my cousin!"  Seto could hear Wheeler shouting and making a general fool of himself.

"Please Joey. Big Brother has alot of stuff to be doing right now." Mokuba was saying when the door keeping the mongrel away began to vibrate from how hard it was being hit.

"OPEN UP MONEY BAGS!" Wheeler yelled out, "TELL YOUR DOCTORS TO LET ME SEE MY BABY COUSIN RIGHT NOW!" Wheeler continued his rant.

Seto could feel a headache coming along. He stood from behind his desk ready to deal with the blonde mongrel when his phone began to ring once more.

He pressed the button to answer it and it was from the medical bay once again.

"Sir, an update on Hariel Potter." The doctor said, "shes stable, her body didnt reject the medicine we gave her, and her vital signs are good. So depending on how her body deals with stress she should be awake in hour at the least and tomorrow at the latest." His doctor said. Seto hummed thoughtfully and thanked his medical staff.

He went to his door and opened it. His little brother looked worried.

"Big Brother! I tried to-" Mokuba was saying.

"You don't neednto make excuses for the mutt." Seto said before looking,at the blonde who barely woke up. He had never seen the blonde look so sickly.

"Why can't I see my cousin?" Wheeler asked, his voice cracking at the end. "I have to know she's okay." He added, his amber eyes much like a golden retriever were sorrowful.

"Hariel is resting. The doctor said to give her an hour at the least. Her body went through shock." Seto answered, without meaning to.

Maybe he's growing soft, he thought, he wouldve never told Wheeler something like that before. Or maybe it's because he wouldve been the same if Mokuba was in Hariel's place.

He shook himself mentally and tried to keep his face from showing his internal struggle.

The friendship squad looked shocked and he had to keep from sneering.

"Thank you Kaiba." Gardner said bowing, the others followed her example. And he had to refrain from rolling his eyes.

"Thanks Money Bags." Wheeler said as he turned and ran off towards what he could guess. Like a dog going to its master.

Seto looked to see his little brother looked sad. Seto grimaced internally damning Marik to hell.

"Come along Mokuba, you need to eat." He said trying to distract his little brother, who nodded sadly.

"Okay big brother." Mokuba said, looking up at him with big grey eyes.

The two Kaiba Brothers walked to their private dinning room unaware that a certain level 4 magician was watching them to make sure that the two were safe.

1155 words! I'm sorry for the wait i didn't know how I wanted this to come out. But I just rolled with it. I'm trying to keep some things from canon so I will have the Noah arc. But will Hariel be awake for it. That I'm not sure about.

Thanks for everyone voting, commenting and adding this to their lists! It means so much💙💙💙 I hope you all enjoy it!

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