Ch. 19 Into the Cyberverse

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Hariel woke up being tossed out of bed. She groaned as she hit the floor, for a second she almost thought she was back at her aunts house. But she quickly remembered she was on a blimp and from the alarm that was blaring telling everyone to go to the main room of the blimp.

She rose shakily, and quickly put her shoes on, and clipped her deck to her belt and walked towards the door, but it slid open and revealed the small black haired boy, Mokuba.

"Hari!" He said, his smile was large as he looked at her, she grinned at him but her small grin turned to a smile as Mokuba ran at her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"What's going on Mokuba?" She asked as Mokuba seemed to tighten his grip on her.

"I'm not sure. But big brother said everyone was to meet in the cockpit of the blimp." He said, Hariel nodded and took Mokubas hand and started walking towards the room he had mentioned , but as they began their trek they were being tossed around in the hallway like rag dolls.

The blimp was spirianling,out of control it seemed like.

Hariel tried to take the brunt of the damage hoping the little boy didn't get hurt.

"I'm okay Hari." Was Mokuba' s response when she asked him.

Hariel stood shakily, her hand on his shoulder as the blimp seemed to stabilize for a second.

"Let's go!" She said, as Mokuba quickly lead her to where the others had gathered.

"What's going on Money bags?" Joey demanded, Hariel could see a bruise on the underside of his chin. He had probably been thrown from bed.

"Roland." Kaiba barked out. Said man was struggling with  the steering wheel of the blimp.

"Sir the auto pilot disengaged remotely, we are still headed towards the island but none of us can get it back  working." Roland explained.

"Seto Kaiba." Someone said. The voice was serious but childlike.

Hariel turned to see a screen had descended from the ceiling. A turquoise haired boy who couldn't have been older than Mokuba was sneering at them.

"Who are you. How'd you hack into Kaiba Corps security protocols?!" Kaiba demanded, Hariel felt nervous as the blimp jerked forward and looked to be descending into the ocean.

"A five year old can do it." Was the boy's response. As the blimp straightened out again.

"We will be taking a quick detour, I hope you don't mind. I was hoping to meet you. Face to face." The boy said, his eyes gleaming. Hariel had a flash back of the memory Dumbledore had shown her. Tom Riddle jr had been a genius, a mad genius, his intellect had shown through his eyes. Much like how this young boy's were doing.

"We are competing in a tournament at the moment. How dare you!" Kaiba said. Hariel looked to her cousin to see he was staring out the window. She did the same and saw an island that was coming into veiw.

"Sir! Kaiba Corp island is in view." Roland said, the boy on the moniter began to laugh.

"I'm glad you are all going to come visit me! It's been so long since I've had visitors." The boy said, as the moniter cut off. The screen was blank.

She had been so absorbed into seeing similarity with The boy and young Voldemort she hasn't noticed her cousin making his way towards her, Serenity in tow.

Joey reached for her and she went willingly. Serenity was holding onto her hand.

"What's happening?" Serenity whispered as Mokuba pointed out that the sea was opening up.  Two metal doors were splitting open the water and a platform appeared.

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