Ch. 4 A gathering of new friends

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Hariel sat silently thinking over everything that had happened in the past 30 minutes, right now everyone was chatting, her cousin seemed to be in his element as he narrated a story using his hands to describe what was happening.

She felt a small smile bloom to life, as she saw how all of that group was focused on him. They seemed to have heard this story before yet were humoring him.

She looked down at her small pile of gifts she had been given and couldn't begin to describe the feeling she felt brewing in her. She put that off for her brooding later when her stomach growled. She blushed, she hadn't eaten since that small dinner in London, she bit her lip trying to come up with a way to politely as if shed be able to leave to grab something to eat.

"You've been quiet. Are you alright?"she heard someone ask. She looked up to see Ryou looking at her from his seat across her. She nodded slowly.

"Yes I'm f-" she was saying when her stomach growled again. She blushed. Her body had gotten used to the constant food she got at Hogwarts, it normally took about 2 weeks before her body went back into her barely fed stage when she went back to the Dursleys.

Ryou's face lit up in understanding.

"Hey guys. We are being bad hosts. Hariel hasn't eaten since before she arrived, and I know the plane ride from England to Japan is a long one." Ryou said, much to Hariel's slight embarresment.

The group surrounding her cousin turned to her in shock, when Tea cleared up first and then turned to her cousin sharply.

"I thought you'd already remember to feed her!" She snipped, her cousin looked down in shame, Hariel shook her head.

"I.. I didn't say I was hungry. So it's not his fault." Hariel said trying to calm the taller girl, who had begun glaring at her older cousin. But Tea was all smiles for her, Hariel thought as the brunette turned to her with a small apologetic smile.

"We can head out right now. It's not to late." Tea said glancing at the clock that was above the door. It read 5:45 pm.

"Hey grampa, we are taking Hariel out to eat. We'll be back later." Yugi said, his grampa had been in the other room cleaning from the looks of it.

"Take care children." Yugi's grampa said as they made their way out of the apartment.

Hariel looked towards the setting sun, it was beautiful, yet it looked so different compared to how the sun sets in England.

"So where did you want to eat?" Yugi asked, Hariel looked back at the group to see they were all,looking at her.

"Oh. Umm, im not picky. As long as it's eatible." She said, trying to keep from blushing at the attention.

"Oh! We should go to Burger World. It's still opened," Tea said smiling. Hariel looked towards her cousin who was smiling. The small group began walking towards the food shop, Hariel ignored her hunger as she listened to one of the stories Tristan was saying about her cousin and Yugi.

She felt herself laughing as Tristan described the mess Yugi and Joey had gotten into.

"What about you? Have any crazy stories from school?" Tristan asked, Hariel thought back to her first 5 years at Hogwarts and snorted.

"Tons of stories. But my favorite is when Ron literally helped me escape from my aunt's house. She had put bars on my window and locked me in my room for the summer and Ron had gotten worried and wo he his 2 older brothers sprung me out." Hariel said, her words spilling out of her mouth before she could stop them. She felt herself blush as they all looked at her in shock.

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