Ch.5 A Tale of Magicians

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Hariel woke up unsure of her surroundings, she layed in a blue sheeted bed, low white lights twinkled around the room. With a flick of her wrist, her wand shot out of its hidden holster on her forearm into her right hand.

Memories slowly made their way to the for front of her mind. She let out a breath of relief.

Her cousin Joey must have put her to bed, she thought. She glanced out the window to see the sun was rising slowly, she had to say it must have been about 5 in the morning. She stepped towards the window and opened it. She was suprised Hedwig hadn't made it yet, but from the low thrum in her chest she knew Hedwig was fine. She was probably hunting, she thought as she thought of her familiar.

She made herself get up to start rooting around the kitchen cabinets to get an inkling of what they'd eat.

Hariel was so distracted that she didn't notice her uncle was staring at her in question.

"Hariel? Are you hungry?" He asked, his amber eyes were foggy with sleep but he stifled a yawn. Hariel jumped slightly and turned with wide eyes. Her uncle was dressed in a gray jumpsuit with work boots.

"Not really, I just wanted to make breakfast, but I wasn't sure what you both would like." Hariel admitted sheepishly.

Her uncle gave a shake of his head and smiled.

"No no it's okay Kiddo. I don't eat in the morning besides my protein shakes and Joey doesn't eat breakfast because he wakes up after noon." Her uncle said going straight to the refrigerator, and pulling out a medium sized bottle.

"But that was sweet of you kiddo. Make yourself whatever you want. And wake Joey if you need anything at all." Her uncle said smiling as he grabbed the keys from the table. He waved as he walked out of the apartment. Hariel waved as her uncle left and then sat down at the table.

This felt strange to her, not having anything to keep her occupied. First with the Dursleys she did her chores and did her summer homework from Hogwarts. And at hogwarts, her adventures had alwaya seemed to last all year, so she always had somethung to occupy her time, if that meant studying spells, or self tutoring in potions. So she never had any free time, but here she had nothing to do.

She wasn't going back to Hogwarts, and from what she understood her uncle Tony didn't expect her to keep the house religiously clean how the Dursleys did. So she was free with her time. She changed out of the close from last night and got comfortable in her jogging pants and shirt.

She gave a tired sigh but then remembered those cards that Yugi had gotten her. Maybe those could keep her mind occupied untill her cousin woke. And from her uncle said it would be awhile.

She walked to her room and there on the white desk were the gifts she had been given and she saw the box that held the cards.

She opened the black box slowly as to remove the tape that kept it selaed, and saw the cards hadn't been opened.

Their was a small note in the box, she frowned, did Yugi leave this for her? He would've told her he left a note for her in sure. But the box had been sealed, so he couldn't have possibly left it.

It's probably instrustions. Her Herman voice said, she rolled her eyes. Of course! She thought. How could she forget that muggle games came with instructions.

She grabbed the note and felt the blood leave her face.

Greetings Lady Hariel Dorea Rose Potter- Black.

You are probably wondering who I am, but I will get to that later.

I had a vision of sorts at the same time I created this game, that these cards would be meant for you, I have kept them well cared for, untill you have finally begun the journey you will have.

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