Ch.3 The Birth of a Duelist

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This Chapter is dedicated to Shikamaru_Lover_24
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Hariel felt like a nervous wreck, but on the outside she made sure she had her mask on.

She learned that in Gryffindor, they might all look carefree and idiotic but the lions knew image was everything. And the lions were better at hiding it.

That's how no-one knew that she had been getting abused by her mother's family. She smiled and laughed and acted like everything was fine. But no, no it wasn't fine.

She was so lost in her depressing thoughts that she hadn't even heard Joey speaking to her.

"Ellie? You sure you aren't tired?" Joey asked, she glanced up at him to see he was looking between her and the road.

"No, I'm okay. Just trying to get ajusted to the time zone difderence." She said, not wanting to worrying him. He nodded his head, looking unsure but he let it go.

"I told my friend Yugi that we were coming." Joey said making conversation, Hariel nodded her fist was clenched. She took a deep breath and let the tension leave her body.

"Okay. So how far away is his.. game shop? You said." Hariel asked. Joey nodded, his eyes on the road.

"His grandpa owns the gameshop. He's the one that helped me learn the game of Duel Monsters." Joey said, his eyes glazed over slightly as if lost in thought. But then they cleared as he focused on the road once again.

Hariel looked out her window to see the city light up in lights, but one building stood apart, a building with the top in bright blue and white lights, it had two letters KC. It was beautiful, so modern, so very different from what she was use too. For a second she actually missed the candle light since it was softer on the eyes than all these bright lights.

All the bright lights began to fade as they left the city and entered more of a rural area, it had houses and small businesses from the looks of it.

"Yug and his grandpa live above the game shop." Joey said pointing at a building that had the words Kame Game shop above the door.

Joey parked infront of the shop and Hariel saw the shop was well lit, she could make out some people in the window and   tensed up.

"Um. Joey how many people are here?" Hariel asked, Joey grinned.

"We'll about 5 people. Yug, his gramps. Tea, Ryou and Tristan. And then customers." Joey said shrugging. Hariel bit her lip and nodded, she made herself relax.

"Okay, now or never right?" Hariel said more to herself than to her cousin who grinned. She unbundled her seat belt and opened the door, her cousin did the same jumping out of the car.

"It'll be fine. My pals are real nice." He added, Hariel stepped out of the car and took in her surroundings. It felt some calm here, and she felt something, something that felt like magic, but to a very small degree. She shrugged it off seeing as she had been told Domino had a magical district. 

She followed after her cousin as he opened the door to the shop.

"Welcome to the Kame game- oh Joey my boy it's you. Oh and who's this behind you? " an older man asked, he was short and had gray starfish hair that reminded her of the boy from the photo.

"Oh heya gramps. This is my cousin Hariel Potter. She's gonna be living with me and pops."Joey said, Hariel smiled and made a bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." Hariel said. The old man smiled.

"Oh none of that, Hariel. I'm Solomon Mutou, but everyone calls me grampa or gramps. Please do so also." Mr. Mutou said. Hariel felt like she was speaking to Hagrid, just the tone andnhow he spoke reminded her of the gentle giant. She shook herself mentally and nodded.

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