Ch.22 Lost and Found

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Hariel walked aimlessly. She could've swore she'd been walking in circles at this point, if only she could use a point me spell.

She was losing hope as she stumbled over her own feet. She was growing tired and she felt a throbbing in her head.

"Joey?" She called out hoping that her cousin was near. Their was no answer so as she continued her trek.

In her head the place looked like a tame version of the Forbidden Forest. Hopefully no giant spider will jump out at her, she thought warily. She was sick of this already! She wanted to find her cousins and their friends.

Her thoughts began to darken at the thought of staying lost and without her magic, but then she stiffened. How could she forget!? Mokuba was still with that weird Tom Riddle copy cat. She had tried her hardest to protect Mokuba but she failed, but doesn't mean she couldn't find her way back to the kid. Cause that's what he was, a kid by himself probably waiting for his brother to find him.

She straightened herself up and with energy she didn't know she had she began her search anew. She had to find the poor kid, Merlin knows what Kaiba would do if his little brother was hurt, or worse.

She stumbled out of the forest to see a mountains and from what she could see giant ugly ogre like creatures. They were farther ahead of her, and were crowded around a large cauldron. Large boulders scattered the terrain, as she seemed to take everything in.

They hadn't seemed to have seen her yet, so she ducked behind a medium Boulder. She had no way to fight them, she didn't think they'd duel her like that other fellow. She was about to just walk away when she saw Tea of all people climbing the wall, she was being lead by a penguin? Hariel squinted at her female friend again and nodded. Yup that was a penguin. What in the bloody hell was Tea thinking following a strange creature.

She made to call out to her friend when she felt the world spinning around her, colors and images passed her quickly before one last image of Tea and she was gone.

*Seto's p.o.v*

One minute he was fighting some weak monsters and the next he had an armful of the girl who he thought was with his little brother. she was either knocked out or asleep but he had a feeling it was the former instead of the latter.

"Hariel?" He said trying to wake her up. She remained still. He needed information on his brother, on the people holding him hostage, any shred of information that would help him get his little brother back. He placed her on the ground and decided to check if she had any visible injuries. From what he could see she had a couple or scratches on her arms and legs, possibly a head injury? He touched her head tentivaly looking for bump or even blood but she came away clean.

He wondered how she had just appeared like magic, could the Noah kid have thrown her out of where he had Mokuba?

He heard a groan, and looked down to see her rubbing at her head, dark green eyes squinted.

"Kaiba?" Hariel asked as if unsure that he was actually there, he grunted.

"Where's my brother." He asked, uncaring about anything or anyone else. Hariel grimaced.

"I'm sorry. That kid threw me out of the room, he seems to be able to control this place, he said he didn't need me to distract Mokuba from him." Hariel said. Seto frowned. He looked around once more perhaps a new path would open up to him if he glared enough.

"We need to keep looking for Mokuba." Seto said, as Hariel got off the ground. He made no move to help her but he did slow himself slightly so she'd keep up.

"I really am sorry. I tried to hold onto him. But if it makes you feel better it doesn't sound like that kid wanted to hurt him." Hariel said, Seto glanced to see the determination burning in her eyes. "I'll help you find him." She said. Seto just nodded, Unsure on what to tell her. He never was one for mindless talking.

They both started walking, both trying to find any trace of the Noah kid.

They continued to battle low level monsters, or rather Seto did, with his blue eyes white dragon being used to destroy them Hariel's monsters never had to be used.

Seto glared as more forest scenery sprouted. As if in a never ending loop of green, brown, green, brown, green.

"Have you noticed that the time doesn't change?" Hariel asked. Seto arched a brow at her.

"Well of course it doesn't. It's a virtual world. Time is different here. It'll seem like months, but could be just minutes or hours. Depending on how well it's made." Seto said dismissively. He was glancing around at the scenery that was very generic, no personality or life coming from it. His virtual world had been leagues better than this trash, but it seemed to have made Hariel slump in relief.

"It's not real." She whispered to herself, but Seto didn't ask her what she meant. She had probably seen something to have her question her sanity.

Unknowingly hitting the bullseye, with Hariel seeing Tea follow a penguin up a mountain.

Seto held up his hand to stop Hariel as more lower level duel monsters ambushed them. Seto sighed tiredly. But this time before he could even summon his faithful ace Hariel had summoned Silent Magician Lvl 8.

The light mage had shot beam after beam at the monsters and easily destroyed them. Seto nodded in approval and so they carried on with the quest to find Mokuba.

Hariel's P.o.v

She stared at her cards sadly. After Seto had explained what being in the virtual world meant she knew her magic was still in her actual body. But her ability to speak and hear the duel monsters was also gone. She had gotten so use to hearing whispered words from her deck and the decks around her and so now with the silence it felt strange. She didn't like it, and when they got out of here she promised herself she'd spend an entire day with her cards and talk with them.

"Have you come across anyone else?" Seto asked, Hariel nodded.

"Some clown that said if he won our duel he'd keep my body? Sounded like that movie Joey showed me. The revenge of the body snatchers." Hariel said. Seto looked at her. He looked to be calculating something in his head.

"Do you remember his name?" Seto asked. Hariel nodded.

"He introduced himself as Thompson." She said. Seto froze, his entire body seemed to be vibrating with rage, something she recognized easily enough from Vernon.

"Those slimy low life-" Seto was saying before he began to continue on but Hariel knew something had changed but she knew not f pry, no matter how badly she wanted too.

The entire walk was silenced. And hariel hoped Mokuba and her cousins were okay.

Hi sorry! 1208, very short, It's been a very long unplanned hiatus. But can I just say when I started this I should've followed the other Yugioh fandom writers and skipped this Arc. I've tried to write this 10 different ways and it doesmt work this is what I could do without messing up everything else, and I didn't want to just skip it, since I already stuck with it. So there it is. The next chapter will probably be back to Battle city. With a quick overview of what happened to get out? Because if not I doubt I'll be able finish this arc. Please forgive me.

But thank you all for sticking with this story. Thank you for the kind comments and the constructive feedback. Just thank you so much! 💙💙💙

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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