Start from the beginning

It was now Chaeyoung and Jimin who were left at the four-seated table. The both of them were still chowing down on their sweets, not caring to buzz off any time soon like the couple had.

Chaeyoung turned to Jimin as she licked off the ice cream from her spoon. "They have a car though?"

"Probably just an excuse." He waved it off dismissively.

"You done with dessert?" She asked, deciding to not think about Jennie's lame alibi further.

"Uhuh," He paused for a moment, contemplating his next few words.

If he invited her to get a cup of coffee with him, would she think he was hitting on her? Or maybe she'd think he was acting like they were already close friends? Maybe he'd make her uncomfortable? But it would be rude to not invite her, right? After all, he didn't think it would be an inconvenience. He was going on his own, anyway, and he didn't mind.

"Would you like to grab to some coffee with me?" He studied her expression, already dreading the way her face contorted. He was only craving some café-style pastries and some coffee, for crying out loud! He didn't think it would be as nerve-wracking as this.

"Oh, sure! I actually know a good café around here." She said with a small grin before picking up the her handbag from the chair and standing up, waiting for him to follow.

Jimin breathed out as soon as they walked out the door. That was easier than he expected.

Hopping out of the uber, the pair stood in front of a luxurious establishment. Majestic yellow-tinted lights could be seen from outside, courtesy of the huge wall windows. Small knick-knacks and paintings were hanging onto the walls or perched on top of wooden shelves. A huge chalkboard labelled with 'specials' was displayed on top of the counter with a huge electronic menu bulging from the crease between the wall and ceiling.

"It's my friend's café. I know it looks very expensive, but don't worry. She promised me a discount whenever I came to visit with a guy." She chuckled.

Although, at the back of her mind, Chaeyoung's conscience was already nagging her. Why did she have to say that? She could have left out that part. Was he going to eventually think she was some harlot ringing up guys so that she could half off at her friend's café? She certainly wasn't, but her statement wasn't exactly composed with the best choice of words.

"You have a lot of suitors, then?" Jimin teased as he opened the door for her to enter. He was trained to be a gentleman and it became second nature to him

"None at all. I actually don't come here often because of that." She laughed again.
The both of them were seated at the building's rooftop. Tables were sprawled across the vast area, ready to serve costumers. Despite the chilly night air, the both of them wanted to relish their caffeine while enjoying a view of Seoul's night time skyline.

Chaeyoung released a satisfied sigh after a sip of her latte. She smiled when she noticed the faint traces of fog coming from her mouth due to the cold weather. "It's beautiful, don't you think?" Hse looked around, appreciating the scene.

"Hm." Jimin hummed in reply. He watched as the cars sped along the illuminated roads. Usually, when he saw those after a long day of work, his initial reaction would be to rush into his car and drive home. Weirdly, he didn't want to do that. Not yet, at least.

Not yet since he was in the presence of Chaeyoung.

They've only known each other for a couple of hours, but he couldn't deny that he was enthralled by her persona. She was clumsy and slippery with her words, but he found that charming. Although the first words she's ever said to him were inappropriate, he found her quite kind and soft. She was someone Jimin thought would always took joy in the grandeur of life, but instead, she chose to enjoy the simple sceneries it had to offer.

He may have a teensy bit of a crush on her.

Just a smidge.

"Thank you for tonight, Jimin. I really enjoyed your company." She showed him a toothy, genuine smile.

He felt his heart flutter at her words and at her expression. Cute.

Okay, maybe more than just a smidge.

And maybe, just maybe.

Chaeyoung might be visiting here more often with assurance of a discount.
wow it took me so long to finish this series i-

anywhoo, thank you so much for reading everyone! i know it's long overdue, but thank you for making this book rank on both the jisoo and rosé tags a few weeks back! also, this book is ranked on blackpinkxbts, so thank you for that as well.

if any of you played bts world before, you may have come across that one part where the members were ecstatic to receive their first comment on their blog. that's how you make me feel with the comments you leave on my stories. although you may not be yoongi on incognito, you still put a smile on my face.

- soo.

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