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Jennie stood in line silently squealing. The handfan covered with a picture of Min Yoongi shook as she covered her face to save herself from embarrassment. She silently whispered to herself, repeating and orienting herself on what she would say when she was face to face with her idol.

She paraded a big grin on her face as she examined the anterior part of the once lengthy line. Only five people were left until she would be able to talk with the Agust D, Min Yoongi.

She had been a fan of the man since he released his debut album; Agust D. She was awed by his rapping skills (or tongue technology— as how he referred to it), his talent, calm stature and his endless list of relatable moments. Because of him, she was inspired to try her own hand at rapping and she loved every single bit of it. She made friends along the way and managed to gain a following because of it. To her, Yoongi has influenced her life so much. The long line of fans she encountered from outside the venue and the awfully warm weather Seoul was experiencing were no match for her ardency in meeting the Korean rapper.

She released a huge puff of air when his manager signalled her to come forward with a smile. She returned the kind gesture before setting her eyes on Yoongi who was flaunting his signature gummy smile. Jennie swore her heart skipped a beat. The HD photos she gathered didn't do him justice.

"H-hello," she stuttered from all the excitement that was building up inside of her. What was she supposed to do again?

"Hey," he greeted in return.

For a whole 5 seconds she stared at the man in front of her. She was overwhelmed with a joyous feeling that her brain malfunctioned since her attention was focussed elsewhere. Her eyes were glued towards his face and adorable smile. Suddenly, Yoongi's palm was in front of her—waving vigorously in an attempt to make sure she was still okay.

"Uhm, sorry, I spaced out a bit," She awkwardly chuckled before placing her copy of the latest mixtape he released. Yoongi repeated her actions as he signed the album.

"It's alright," he replied, looking up, "I was concerned for a quick moment."

'Huh. Great job, J.' She thought to herself.

"Can you also sign my fan too?" She asked shyly, placing her fan on the table - praying mutely that Yoongi would agree to sign the merchandise.

"Sure," He grabbed the plastic material from her grasp before painting it with soft strokes.

"What's your name, by the way?" He asked.

"I didn't introduce myself yet?" She asked. The blonde-haired male shook his head after he put his signature in the middle of the hand fan, "My name's Jennie, but most people call me J."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," He remarked, but he left no time for Jennie to ponder about his statement, "You're foreign?" Yoongi asked. Jennie looked completely Korean to him, but who knows? Maybe the Asian genes overpowered the other.

"Nope, but I was born in Australia." She explained.

"Oh you lived there?" He asked, There were still several seconds left before she would be asked to move aside so that the next enthusiast would take her turn.

"Kinda? I was born in Australia, mum took me to New Zealand when I was ten and asked me if I wanted to stay. I was there till I was 13 before my mom made plans to let me continue my studies in Florida. I told her I didn't want to, so she took me back here to SK. Honestly, that was my best decision yet. So, now I live here with my mum and dad, because—"

Yoongi's interruption made her beet red once more.

"You wanna take me home to them?" Yoongi, who had a hand below his chin and the other tapping the marker on the table- chuckled at her flustered state.

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