"I also instructed you to stay clear of your sister so that no other incidents could occur, right?"


"So can you please explain to me why you decided to show up at her home on Thanksgiving?"

"My family was there, that's the only reason I came."

"From the video I received, it seems like you went to purposely piss Mya off."

"No....that's not true."

"It is And you also threatened her and from what I hear she's pregnant, is that right Mya?"

"Yes." I answered, not really wanting to.

The judge sighed. "This is all just a mess. The fact that you two are siblings makes this horrible. Nothing should ever get you to this point. Kayla you had a good case for yourself but your true intentions came to play. You never win playing dirty. I will be dropping all charges IF Mya completes 90 days of anger management. I'll give your lawyer a list of counselors that will come to your home and work with you. With your child's father being who he is I'm sure you don't want any group sessions while you're with child. The minute you slip up, I'll have you in jail with no hesitation. Understand?"

"I do."

"Kayla you are required to stay 500 feet away from your sister, if you fail to do so, you will face criminal charges. Understood?"

"Yes." Kayla said.

"If there is nothing else, that it is all for today. Mya you have 48 hours to be signed up for a class or I will find you. Court is adjourned." Quickly he gathered his things and left out.

"Congratulations." Mark said. "I'll set something up with a counselor I suggested to Chris, you'll be fine. I'll also have Diane contact you about the countersuit against your sister. You're asking for everything you've spent."

"Yes I am."

"Alright, I'll get working on that. You head home and get some rest."

I nodded before walking over to my mom.

"I'm glad this is over." She said. "I have a flight to catch but I'll call and check up on you. Me and your dad will be back in LA for Christmas."

"Alright." I hugged her. "Thanks for being here."

"No problem."

"I gotta drop mama off then I'll be back at your crib." Tim said.


After giving him a quick hug, I left out and made my way home. As soon as I got there, I climbed in the shower. Once I got out, I wrapped myself in my robe and laid down.

I'm glad this court shit is over. I got other things to worry about, like where I'll be living. It's December, my 6 month lease up and I haven't even asked to extend it. Honestly I want to buy me a house. It's much better than renting.

Grabbing my phone I opened Instagram and scrolled through my timeline. Social media lifts me up sometimes. The people on these apps are straight up comedians. I'll be up at 4 in the morning crying laughing at the stupid shit people post.

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