
8 1 0

I am lost.
I lost my self and my thoughts.
I don't even know where I belong amymore.
Is it here? Is it there?
Is it further or just nowhere?

I hated my self,
Then I loved my self
I always end up destroying my self

Why do I feel like something is missing?
Is it the boy you saw me kissing?

I tried to be happy
But I failed
Satan got in my head
My thoughts he held

Hated life and felt like trash
Talked my problems away but I only heard a sushhh

I was happy about the small things
Like the night sky and when my friend sings.
Like when and I dance and I don't care
Was it all just to scare?


Αυτό ήταν απλά κάτι που έτσι μου ήρθε και το έγραψα! 😄

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