Jade: just because we're best friends, doesn't mean I'm going easy.

Pyrrha: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lily: start!

Jade shot forward and was about the punch the guarding Pyrrha until he teleports begins her. She flips around and was going to hit him with the side of her shield but it was blocked. He uppercuts her in the stomach blowing her back.

He jumped at her again but changed direction midair and landed a kick on her. He teleports to her side and jabbed her twice in the side then teleports in the air. She looked around but then up. She was barely able to move out the way.

He hits the ground and looked up to get a shield bash to the face. Not being able to use his webshooters he was left at the mercy of his friend.

She jumped forward and jabbed him twice and hit him in the head with the shield dazing him. Pyrrha ran an pushed kicked him and slashed him across the chest then hits a 360 and elbows him in the face. He jumped back only to hit the wall.

He looked back quickly and then back to Pyrrha. Hoping no one would noticed he flipped back onto the wall and jumped off it. He hits Pyrrha with his punch but it was blocked but she does get sent back become of the explosive. He teleports up to her and used all the rose petals as a chain around her leg making them dig into the ground stopping her movement.

Jade reeled back his left hand threw a punch. It throws Pyrrha back against the wall. The roses snaked up to her and binded her legs and arms to the wall. He jumped forward and jabbed her right in the stomach ending the match as her aura hit the red.

Pyrrha: those roses are surely overpowered...

They all disappear and Pyrrha fell forward. He caught her and helped her to her feet.

Pyrrha: looks like I lost.

Lily: you two fought well! I won't drop your grades.

Jade: hey? Isn't your arc reactor glowing more than usual?

Lily raised an eyebrow and looked down....it was about to explode. She lifted up her shirt not caring about all the boys watching and tore it off her. She threw it in the air and it exploded.

Lily: damn it! I really thought that one was gonna be the best...

She sighs then Pyrrha and Jade look at each other.

Lily: we have time for one more match-

The bell goes off and Lily smiles.

Lily: never mind! Everyone out!

Some grey guy in the crowd was staring at Jade very intensely but leaves before he noticed.

Pyrrha: well, shall we go?

PA system: will Jade Rose please report to the headmaster.

Jade: what could Ozpin want? I'll see you later Pyrrha...

Pyrrha: hmm, alright. I'll talk to you later.

They walk out the arena and head their separate ways.


Just stepping out the elevator Jade walks over to Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin: take a seat, Jade.

He sits down in the chair and looked at the headmaster.

Ozpin: I'm sending you on a mission.

Jade: what? No way! The dance is coming up, I can't miss it.

Ozpin: no, you will have to go on this mission, I'm sorry but your the only one capable of doing it...well, properly.

Jade: what about Lily!

Ozpin: she called me and said her arc reactor exploded. She making a new project that will take awhile to do. It will probably only take you a few days to complete.

Jade: days! The dance is Sunday! You have to be kidding Ozpin!

Ozpin gives Jade a glare making him calm down.

Jade: fine, I'll take the mission.... what even is it.

Ozpin: Grimm extermination. A village on the outskirts of Vale has been getting a lot of Grimm attacks. I want you to stay out there for a few days and kill any Grimm that get near.

Jade: this is...okay. Give me a location and I'm leaving right now.

Ozpin smiles and pressed a few things on his desk. Jade's scroll vibrates and he immediately got up and left the office.

Ozpin: I do feel bad for him. He most likely will miss the dance because of this...

End of chapter 6 volume 2

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