First Kisses

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Whilst being full of magic and mystery, at its heart Hogwarts was still a school full of emotional, hormonal teens, meaning it has been home to many first kisses. James kissed his first girlfriend in the Owlery in his second year, and broke up the next day. A few years later, Lily's first kiss followed with a boy who's name had been long forgotten in the year above with she'd been in her first year. Molly and her girlfriend were frequently caught by the kitchens in long, heated makeout sessions. None of this was news and, like most other schools, everybody was obsessed with who was kissing who, and was everybody's first.

When all the Weasley grandkids and their friends were older and had left Hogwarts behind, all of these first kisses were revealed after a few glasses of firewhiskey. Much to everyone's surprise, two members of the group's first kiss had been with each other.

"What?" Hugo had asked, turning as red as his hair. "I was fourteen and had a thing for blondes."

"I know, I know," Rose had insisted, laughing. "But mine and Albus' best friend? My now husband?"

Years earlier on a summer's night in Scorpius' sixth year and Hugo's fourth, the two boys, unsure of their feelings, had kissed by the lake. While neither had spoken of it since, neither of them regretted it and were proud to call themselves each others' firsts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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