Chinese Hairpin

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Rose was never one to fuss over how she looked. Though she never went out looking a total mess, she never fussed. No makeup, no jewellery and she just brushed her hair and went. When she was in her fourth year, her Muggle Studies class went on a trip to Muggle China to see how other Muggle cultures lived and on that trip she met a girl who was similar in age to her. This girl could twist her hair up into a knot at the back of her head and place a long pin through it in one swift motion and it fascinated Rose. Over the course of the trip, the girl taught Rose how to do it and just before leaving gave her a beautiful, ornate hairpin embossed with tiny blue gemstones. It was absolutely gorgeous and Rose loved. After that, Rose always pinned her hair up. Mostly she used an ordinary pencil but sometimes, when she felt like it or needed cheering up, she use her Chinese hairpin. She never told her cousins how to do it and they were amazed every time.

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