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George's dream was that one day his children would takeover the running of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. When the time came for George to hand over the business, everyone thought he would hand it to Fred, for obvious reasons. But, instead he offered it to Roxanne. Out of everyone, she was the most surprised. When she asked why, she loved the answer.

It wasn't that Fred had a great career as a healer and that he really didn't have time to run a shop. It was that he believed Roxanne could do great things for the business, but mostly it was because she was the most like him. She had that same mischievous glint in her eye and the ability to pull of the perfect prank. She gladly accepted and George's predictions weren't wrong

In George's time, WWW became the most successful chain in wizarding Britain. In Roxanne's, it became the most successful wizarding chain in the world.

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