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James Potter was a reincarnation of his paternal grandfather. He reeked havoc wherever he went, a born trouble maker. He was cocky. He was confident. He was cool. He was everything his grandfather was. Before he started Hogwarts, he stole an old piece from his fathers desk. He'd heard his dad, his Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione talk about helpful a certain map had been in their school days. After asking his Uncle George, who knew everything there was to know about trouble making, he figured out how to work it. His first year was chaos. He pranked students, played jokes on the Slytherins and tricked the teachers. He often got caught, from carelessness and not checking his map more regularly, but he didn't care. He was having the time if his life.

Harry soon noticed the map was gone and knew exactly who'd taken it. But instead of confronting James on it at the earliest opportunity, he waited until the day before he went back to Hogwarts for his second year. Much to James' surprise, Harry didn't ask for it back but instead gave him a silvery cloak which his dad had once owned. That cloak was the Invisibility Cloak and James was never caught again.

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