Animal Lover

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Name: Erwin White

Age: 27

Birthdate: August 14

Height: 6ft4

Eye colour: Gray

Body: Muscular

Occupation: Veterinarian

Sexuality: Homosexual

Specie: Human; Unknowingly Psychic

Relationship: None

Hobbies: Erwin loves to take random walks, just enjoying the people and scenery. He also studies for "fun" that makes his colleagues playfully complaining that he should go out more and have real fun to which he equally playfully brushes off. But he does enjoy some good whiskey from time to time as he reads.

Personality: Erwin is a very kind man. Never one to say no to those in need. He's always oddly prepared if another is in need of something. Growing up, he's always insisted to his parents that he'd need to bring something because they or someone else will need it and he always end up right. His family accepted his odd gift, not really one to look a gift in the horse's mouth. It was nifty and saved them a bunch of times.

Erwin is also a studious man. Even now, he still reads and studies subjects that could either be related to his work or a whole other platform. He just likes studying. But there's nothing in the world that is more satisfying than to help or save the life of an animal. He's always been an animal all his life, that's why he wanted to be vet. In fact, he has a few cats and a dog at home..

He can also get pretty serious when the situation demands for it, mostly at work. It shows his dedication and hardwork behind years of persevering and unwavering determination. He's just that good of an animal doctor and a person in general.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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