The Wandering Witch

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"I may not remember who I truly am, it will not stop me from showing kindness to others."





Eye colour:
Golden-brown with specks of green

Lean from all of her adventuring.



Witch; mainly Healing and Telekinesis but only used the latter once by accident

Has a familiar named Arianrhod.

Is helping people a hobby? With how often she does it, it more or less is for her. Mixing herbs to make different types of healing aids and more or less 'vitamins', which are very potent with her healing capabilities backing it.

Risonna is a very kind person. You need help with your house? She's handy with tools. You need someone to taste your food? She's a good cook. Don't know how to tie your shoe laces? She's great with knots!Basically a Jack-of-all-Trades kind of gal, surprisingly with her loss of memory.

Her healing capabilities are hidden because  she had a bad experience when she healed someone. Apparently, it's not normal to be able to heal someone with only whispered words and herbs? Oops. Not like she knew. At least this gave her an idea of what she was—a witch.

The blonde is also prone to talk to herself or Arianrhod. The own acted like she understood everything she said so this became a strange habit of hers. She gets lonely at times and seeing all those people settled down with their loved ones have her jealous. It made her wonder if she also had a family that she forgotten. Maybe even a lover? Finding her true self is the main reason for her adventure, after all. She just hoped that she could find someone who is someone like her or just anyone who could help her remember anything about herself.

Still, Risonna never let the resentment of others to her nor her amnesia hinder her from being the way she is, even if she may be wary of strangers. With her trusty companion that never led her astray, they ventured forth to wherever their feet, and wings, would take them.

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