Enslaved Fanged "Beast"

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"Please...Please save me.."


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Name:Wilkren; SubB!tch#23

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Eye colour:
Apple Green

Lean with a supple A r s e

A Slave

He didn't care at this point.

Once human,
Turned Ashkan/Vampire

Does his endless customers count?

Sex. Sex is the only thing he can and will ever be able to do in the place he was taken to. If he did have a time for himself, mostly when his customers and Masters are done handling him, he will just stare blankly into the wall, as if in a daze.

Wilkren used to be full of joy and wonder. He praised his Kingdom's royal family, enjoyed his life with his own loved ones and was just all around happy. Why'd he have to go and talk to those bastards? Maybe because the King had talked so well about them that he trusted them even if his gut told him otherwise. Now look where he ended up; famile killed by said fvcks, turned into a blood-sucker and used almost daily by these greedy cvnts.

He let himself go, let the once painful experience numb into blissful pleasure. He let those scums use and abuse his dirtied body until he could no longer think about anything. It helped that the euphoria of drinking blood from either a bag or the meatbags he call his customers are allowed. Regulated, of course. It was like a drug and they happily gave it to him.

Though.. there are times when he's 'awake', where he cries for the boy who lost his life and became someone so soiled and dirtied. Cried for the family that was needlessly slaughtered because they tried to fight back. What did they do to deserve this? What did he do?

"Please, save me from this cruel world. Before.. before it's too late."

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