The Bad Boy

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Name: Sebastian Ravenheart

Age: 25

Birthdate: September 11

Height: 6'2

Eye colour: Blue

Body: Muscular but not to the point that it's too much. He doesn't exercise /that/ much.

Occupation: Hunter

Sexuality: Straight

Specie: Human

Relationship: None unless you count one night stands as 'relationship'.

Hobbies: His hobbies are drinking, smoking, riding his bike and sex. Drugs are optional for him but he doesn't take them that much like how people think he does. Hunting down criminals, animals and even other beings is his job although he thinks of it more of a hobby than a job.

Personality: Seb here is your typical bad boy and more. He sleeps with whoever and whenever he wants, he drinks whatever he wants and basically does whatever he wants to do. Although it may not seem like it, he's actually a patient man. He's also very persistent; once he wants something, he will do anything, and I mean /anything/, just to get that. Hey, not like he can't get it. With his ruggedly handsome looks and panty-dropping smile? He easily obtains it. But then again, he likes a good challenge. If you know what I mean.~

Sebastian gave you a slow once-over as if he was taking his time to get a good look of you and the corner of his lips raised to a half-smirk. "Well, he~llo there."

[R.P. he's in: 1]

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