Little Red Ridinghood

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Name: Dove Lupis

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Name: Dove Lupis

Age: 24

Birthdate: June 10

Height: 5'9

Eye colour: Green

Body: She has a nicely toned body and great 'assets'.

Occupation: A detective .

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Specie: Human

Relationship: Caius is her older brother.

Hobbies: Her hobbies would simply be reading and training with Caius. Her older brother tends to teach her new techniques and such for self defence, but mostly because he thinks she needs to know how to handle fųcktards when he's not there to handle them for her. But of course, being a detective only furthered her training for both physical and mental.

Personality: Dove is a sweet girl. She's open and friendly to most but once you manage to get on her bad side, expect her fist flying towards your face. She has quite a spunky attitude that had her put herself in trouble several times before. One reason for getting in trouble was that someone tried to touch and cut her hair to which was one of her most hated things happen to her. Her hair was one of the few only things that had her remind herself of her deceased father, who also had blonde hair, and mother, who had long and beautiful hair. Her brother had always been trying to cut her hair since it reminds him too much of their parents but had always failed and ended up with another wound from her.

She keeps her sadness and loneliness to herself and bottles it all up. She didn't like showing her weakness, even in front of her brother. After that horrible incident, she vowed to herself that she will get stronger and protect her loved ones.. even though her brother is doing a rather good job at it.

Dove has a few regrets, one of those being that she let go the love of her life after a huge misunderstanding. Her reason for that is because she thought that they deserved so much more than a silly girl like her; like a man that could actually give her a family. It hurt her. After her, she couldn't get with anyone else so she focused on finishing her studies to become a detective.

Dove smiled at you, a stark difference from her brother's dismissive manner. "Nice to meet you."

[Currently used in roleplay: 0]

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