Chapter 28: The Flight (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes and glared back. "Yes you are. I got my stubbornness from you; you're not going to win this. I'll be fine here. There are police officers stationed outside my door," He still didn't look convinced, so I took another route: pleading. "Please."

He sighed. "Fine. But I'll be back in three hours."

He said goodbye to me, kissed me on the cheek, then left. I was glad he'd listened to me; even three hours of sleep was better than none. But if I was being honest, watching him walk out the door made my stomach drop. It was nice having someone here to distract me from what happened earlier. Whenever I closed my eyes I saw Becca bleeding out on the floor and Santiago laughing even while his blood was running from his mouth.

I took a deep breath. It was over now. I didn't need to relive it. Maybe it was a little my fault Lindsay and her sister died, but Santiago was the real cause. And now he was gone forever. I didn't have to look over my shoulder anymore, I didn't have to have FBI agents protecting me in secret anymore. Santiago was dead and Will was gone. If he hadn't come see me before now, I guess he wasn't coming at all. I hurt him too much to be forgiven. Maybe he regretted loving me.

After a few lonely tears fell down my cheeks, I heard a knock at the hospital door. I saw my father standing at the door yet again. I couldn't believe it had already been three hours.

"Thanks for making me take a nap. I needed it. And have you seen Will yet?"

I sighed in frustration. "No. I saw him when he came to the warehouse I was being kept, then I saw him walking away when I was being carted to the ambulance, but that's it. Do you think he hates me for rejecting him before?"

He shook his head vehemently. "No way. If he loved you as much as he said he did, no way does he hate you for not feeling the same. He'd love you no matter what you said or did. It has to be something else. Maybe he doesn't know how you'll react to seeing him again?"

"Yeah, maybe. I need to see him and tell him how I feel. I need to tell him I love him and say sorry for how stupid I was before." I rubbed my face with my hand.

"What if he said he just wanted to be friends now? Not that I think he would, but could you go back to that?" He asked, concern written on his face.

I thought for a second. "No, I can't be friends with him. I'd rather him walk away forever than be friends with him again."

Just as I said that, I heard something drop to the floor outside the door, which was cracked open. Becca stood to investigate, opening the door all the way. I spotted a bag of flowers on the floor and a DVD copy of Pride and Prejudice. My dad looked down the hallway and must have seen something because he began running. I swung my legs off the hospital bed, fully ready to jump up and join the chase, but just as I stood he reappeared in the doorway, panting hard.

"What happened? What was that?" I asked, impatient for information.

She held up her hand and continued panting for a moment. When his breathing began to settle he looked up at me with shock in his eyes.

"It was Will. He was running down the hall and I couldn't catch him."

My hand shot up to my mouth in surprise and concern. "You don't think he heard what I said...and thought I meant I wanted him gone?"

He studied me with empathy in his eyes. "Why else would he have run like that?"

I tried calling Will several times. Each time I went immediately to voicemail, so he was clearly avoiding me. I left a message, saying that whatever he thought he heard wasn't what it sounded and I needed to explain it to him in person. I know I could have borne my soul to him on the phone, but it didn't feel right. I needed to tell him in person so I could see him.

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