Chapter 25: Attempting Life (EDITED)

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Annalee's POV, One Week Later

I snuggled closer to Jaime as we watched the movie. He'd insisted on watching my favorite movie tonight, despite my attempts at convincing him to watch something else.

Normally I wouldn't need a reason to watch Pride and Prejudice, but it made my chest ache ever since Will left. This had been our movie. It reminded me of all the times we had together. And that made me think about how much him leaving hurt me, which was something I needed to hide.

I wasn't sure why I still hadn't talked to Jaime about what happened between us. At first it felt too painful to talk about, then every time I went to open my mouth about it I choked on the words.

I'd spent the night Will walked out sobbing into my pillow. The next morning when I came out with red-rimmed eyes, I saw the new agent assigned to me. He introduced himself as Agent Knightley. He'd been my shadow ever since. A couple days later Agent Knightley informed me that Brian Mills, the guy suspected of coordinating the attacks against me, was dead. They were pretty sure at this point that Lindsay Smith was his accomplice and had agreed because of my involvement in her sister's death. I had insisted she couldn't have known, but they said it was possible somebody overheard the Dean discussing it and told her. I was reeling over the news of Lindsay Smith being involved. She was so nice to me back when she invited me to the party, but according to Agent Knightley there was evidence of her involvement in Mills' apartment. I couldn't argue with that. Regardless of her missing status, they weren't nearly as worried for my safety any longer, so I was brought back home.

Jaime had been on my doorstep almost the second I got back, hugging and kissing me, saying he was so glad I would be safe now. We'd spent almost all our time together since then. And I'd spent all that time with my thoughts on Will. I felt guilty, but I missed him. Something was changing in me. Every time Jaime kissed me, I felt Will's last kiss on my lips. Every time Jaime hugged me, I felt Will's warm arms encircling me. I didn't know what was happening.

Once Mills was dead and I was home I had hoped Will might show up. I thought he would want to tell me in person. I waited for a couple days before I finally gave up hope he would show up. It seemed he truly was done with me. Since Mills was behind the letter that made me break Will's heart, I could have called him and begged him not to leave me. But, every time I reached for the phone, I knew I couldn't. I'd crushed him. He said himself he didn't want to be friends anymore.

My reverie was interrupted by Jaime kissing my head and sitting up to turn the now-ended movie off. I smiled at him halfheartedly. Every sweet thing he did made me feel guilty that my thoughts were always on Will, not him.

"That was surprisingly good.  Why didn't you make me watch it sooner?"  He asked me with a grin.

"I didn't think you'd like it."  The half-truth fell from my lips as a pang of guilt struck my chest.

He nodded.  "That's fair.  I wasn't expecting myself to like it either.  But it was very interesting.  We might have to do this more often."  

I tried to smile though every bit of my heart was yelling "no!"  His expression turned concerned.

"I thought you'd like that.  This is your favorite movie, right?"

I sighed.  Here comes another lie.  "I guess I'm starting to like it less."

"Oh, okay then.  We can always find something else to watch."

I smiled, leaving words out of it.  He stood, so I rose as well, following him to the door.  It was getting late, and I had class the next day.

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