Harry’s POV

After my mum and I got settled in to our new house, I decided to go out for a walk just to take a breather and relax. The long ass plane ride got me really anxious and I didn’t want to snap on my mum. I had made such a turnaround in these past few weeks and I really didn’t want to back track. As soon as I got outside, I immediately felt better, the warm breeze on my face helping me calm down tremendously. When I looked up, I found a brown haired guy approaching our porch.

“Hi.” I said.

“Oh hey, I’m Liam. I live a few houses down. I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.”

“Oh cool. I’m Harry and my mum, Anne is inside. It’s nice to meet you Liam.” I smiled, proud of myself for being so polite.

I was happier these days but sometimes I still feel like something is missing from my life; like I’m constantly searching for something that will make me happy. I didn’t want that something to be drugs or alcohol or anger any longer.

“Hey listen Harry. There is a party tonight that some friends and I are going to. Do think you’d be interested in going?”

“A party?” I repeated my voice cracking.

“Yeah, it could be a good way to meet some people.”


“Are you still in school?”

“Yeah I’ll be a senior starting next week.”

“Cool, me too! Are you going to Palmer?”

This dude was asking so many questions that my brain hurt. I nodded. My mum had told me that this was the high school I would be attending.

“Awesome that’s my high school. You will love it. So, do you want to come?”

I shouldn’t go. I knew that I shouldn’t. Any high school party was going to have alcohol. I just couldn’t.

“Um I don’t think so but maybe another time. I need to help my mum unpack.”

“Oh yeah, I understand. I’ll see you at school though.”

“Yeah, sure.”

When he was gone, I let out a sigh of relief, smiling to myself at my self-control. I used to snap at everyone that I crossed paths with. I still get angry at times but I’ve learned to control my temper, putting aside the anger like Dr. Rollins taught me. I try to avoid stressful situations that could cause me to get into trouble. I didn’t feel strong enough to be around alcohol or parties at the moment. I never wanted to feel ashamed of my actions again; getting so drunk and waking up next to a girl whose name I didn’t know. I never wanted to feel that distraught ever again. I used to always feel like shit the next day, so guilty that I couldn’t function. Doing these stupid things resulted in a deep depression; sleeping all day convincing myself that I didn’t need help. Nothing ever worked for me until I admitted that I did need help and that I could get better if I wanted to, which I did.

The neighborhood was pretty and I understood now why my mom picked it. It was peaceful; people walking their dogs and kids playing in the park across the street. After a while, I got really hot considering I was wearing black jeans and a sweater. I took it off, feeling much better in my thin white T-shirt. When I pulled out my phone, I had tons of new messages from my old friends back home that I wasn’t supposed to talk to anymore. My behavior in the past was completely my fault but had been heavily influenced by the people I hung out with. I deleted the messages before reading them and sat down on top of a picnic table. I smiled, watching the kids play on the playground and enjoying the day. I laid back on the table, placing my palms behind my head. Before I knew it I was drifting off, the sun beating down on my skin.

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