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"Ope." I shook him trying to wake him. "Opie!" I said a little louder.

He woke up frantic and looked at me. "What's wrong?" He asked wide eyed.

"My water broke Ope." I said nervously.

"Okay, I'll call Gemma to come watch the kids until Ma gets here." He said getting up.

He grabbed his phone and dialed quickly as I threw the covers off of me. I saw the large wet spot on the bed between my legs and felt even more terrified. I've only been on bed rest for two weeks. The baby's still going to be premature by three weeks.

Opie was by my side as soon as his phone call had finished. "Come on baby." He urged gently, helping me out of bed.

We managed to redress me before a contraction hit, and Opie was amazing holding me until it passed. We got outside and into the truck and headed for St. Thomas as soon as Gemma arrived at our house. It was only three in the morning so I appreciated her coming to help.

On the way there, Opie called Tara and my dad. Both said they would meet us at the hospital. We arrived the same time as Tara who rushed me up to a room right by the NICU. They started me on an IV drip with stuff to help the baby before he made his entrance and they gave me another steroid shot to boost his lungs. Opie paced the back of the room nervously. I watched him until a contraction hit and he was by my side in an instant.

"Alyssa  do you want an epidural?" Tara asked.

"No." I groaned shaking my head.

Tara nodded and walked away she brought over a cart with nescisary supplies. "I'm gonna check you Alyssa." She told me.

I nodded and got into position for her to check. She did as needed and looked up at me smiling. "Good news, you can't get an epidural even if you wanted one. You're eight centimeters already."

Opie held my hand and smiled. "He'll be here soon baby."

"Fuck you." I groaned as I curled up in pain.

Opie stifled his laughter and I shot him a dirty look. My contractions were now coming about three minutes apart, lasting a minute or more.

Every contraction hit me like a tidal wave and the pain was horrific. Finally Tara said it was time to push. Every contraction I pushed with all I had it was only forty minutes later that Alex Piermont Winston entered the world.

He weighed five pounds two point four ounces and he was nineteen and a half inches long. He was born on June twenty second at six o' eight in the morning. Tara placed his tiny screaming body on my chest and I cried. I wrapped my arms around him as nurses placed blankets over us.

From beside me, I could hear Opie choke back a soft sob as a happy tear rolled down his face. I met his eyes and he leaned forward pressing his forehead to mine. "He's perfect Alyssa." He whispered.

I nodded softly before kissing him softly and looking back down at the baby on my chest. After we were given some time together Opie cut his cord and they took him to clean him up. Tara checked me over and said I didn't need any stitches, thank goodness before checking over Alex.

She smiled happily at me. "He's perfect Lyssa. He's going to have to spend a little time under a UV light but otherwise I don't think he needs an incubator. He's breathing perfectly." She swaddled him up and handed him to Opie who stood by waiting patiently to hold his newborn son.

"Tara, can you send my dad in?" I asked knowing he was out in the waiting room.

She nodded and left the room and I looked up at Opie who couldn't wipe the smile off his face looking down at his son. I quickly texted Mary to tell her to bring the kids as soon as she got there to meet their new brother and for her to meet her new grandson.

My dad entered the room and came to me hugging me close before going over to Ope to see his grandson. Opie offered him out to let dad hold him and I smiled. Opie came over to me and took my face in his hands kissing me deeply. "Thank you Alyssa." He whispered.

"For what Ope?" I asked with a laugh.

"For everything Alyssa. Giving me a perfect son and taking care of Ellie and Kenny and being a mother to them. For being my wife and loving me even when I have a hard time loving myself. Just thank you. For giving me the perfect family." He told me.

"Oh Opie." I cooed and brought him down to hug me. "I love you Ope." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too Lyss." He whispered back.

"Alyssa, he's perfect love." Dad cooed cuddling his grandson.

I beamed brightly before he began to cry. I called for a nurse and she helped me get a good latch for him. Once we were all set up I couldn't help but watch him.

This was a bittersweet time for me as I wished I was able to experience all of this with Caylee but I'm beyond thankful to get the opportunity with Alex. By the time he finished eating Mary, Ellie and Kenny were walking in.

The kids faces lit up like christmas morning. The came over to me and looked down at Alex's face. Ellie began to cry and Kenny couldn't wipe the grin off his face. "Do you guys wanna take turns holding him?" I asked.

They both nodded and Kenny stepped back letting his sister hold him first. I laid Alex carefully in Ellie's arms and Mary stepped over and smiled down at the small boy. When Ellie had enough Mary took him from Ellie and laid him in Kenny's waiting arms.

After that it was around noon when the entire club came clambering in to see their newest prospect. Jax held him first and Opie looked at me. I nodded giving him the go ahead and Opie cleared his throat. "Alyssa and I wanted to wait until Alex was born before we said anything but, Jax and Desireé... Would you two be Alex's godparents?" He asked.

Des teared up and nodding coming over to hug me tightly and Jax gave Ope a careful one armed hug while he held Alex in his arm. Alex got passed from person to person before landing back in my arms. We spent some time with everyone before it was finally just Alex, Opie and I.

Opie had me scoot over in the bed before he climbed up beside me. Laying Alex between us I laid my head on my husbands chest. "This is it Ope. This is how everything was supposed to be." I said quietly.

"Life is perfect Alyssa. Your right. This is exactly how life was supposed to be for us." He agreed.

"I love you so much Opie. Ellie, Kenny and Alex too." I said groggily.

"We love you too Alyssa. More than anything. You're the one that didn't have to be, but you are. My Tiny Dancer."



Thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed this book. I have to say this has been one of my best works and I am incredibly proud of it. Maybe one day you will see a new Opie fic from me or possibly a Jax Teller one. Keep a look out of my profile for more!

Again, thank you so much for reading! Love all y'all! ♡

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