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"Your resume looks perfect Miss Keiran. I personally think you'll be a perfect edition to our studio here. I just need to consult with my colleague Desireé and we will call you sometime next week." I told the woman before me smiling.

I looked up at the clock seeing it was five o'clock, and just as I saw that I heard the all familiar rumble of a bike engine pulling in. Good thing I wore jeans and runners today.

"Thank you Miss Telford. It was lovely to meet you. Have a wonderful evening." She responded both of us standing up to shake hands.

"You as well." I big her as Opie stepped into the office.

She waved goodbye as she slipped past Opie's imposing figure. I smiled at Opie and took in his handsome appearance. He wore a plaid shirt beneath his leather jacket and Vice President cut, his signature black baggy jeans with his chains hooked to his belt loops along with his dark work boots. A top his head rested a black beanie which all of his long hair was more than likely in a bun underneath.

I got up and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his torso. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he hugged me back. "Hello to you too."

"Hi." I replied with a small giggle.

"You ready for our date?" He asked me grinning.

"Yep! Where are we going?" I asked him curiously.

"Now that, I can't tell you. It's a surprise." He smiled.

I pouted childishly and he laughed again. He took my hand and led me out to his bike. He handed me a helmet before putting on his own. He got on before helping me get on behind him. I wrapped my arms around his midsection as my thighs gripped at his hips I got my feet positioned on the pegs. He made a strange sound as I squeezed my legs on his hips to shift my butt so I was on the seat properly.

I squeezed my arms around him to let him know I was ready to go before he fired up the bike. We back out of the spot before pulling out onto the street. Opie drove us around a while letting me enjoy my time on the bike. It's been a long time since I got to be on the back of a bike.

I use to ride with Jax, Dad and Opie all the time way back when. Never had the guts to actually drive one myself but I love the free feeling of being on the back, knowing I'm safe just by having my arms around one of the three men I hold dearest to me.

Finally Opie began to pull up to a carnival just outside of Charming. I jumped off the bike and yanked the helmet off bouncing up and down with excitement. I heard Opie laugh behind me. "Like it?" He asked.

"Like it?! Opie I can't believe you remembered!" I laughed grinning ear to ear.

"Of course I remembered. I just hoped you didn't change your mind all these years later." He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Nope. Still the perfect date. Carnival food, and rides. Ending the night with a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel." I said dreamily.

Opie kissed my cheek before leading me to a picnic table and going to get us food. He came back with fries for me, and a chili dog and fries for himself. We ate in silence for the first few mintues before my curiosity got the better of me.

"Ope, I hope you don't mind my asking but what exactly did happen with your last relationship?" I asked before munching on a fry.

"Well, I'm not even sure you could call it one. She was a pornstar that my dumbass married." He rolled his eyes.

"Why did you marry her then?" I asked.

"I was trying to fill the void left by you and Donna. I thought she could do it. But when even she wasn't enough, we tried for a baby. Well, I did. Turned out she had an abortion while I was in Ireland and got on birth control and had plan B's as a back up."

"Wow..." I replied not really knowing what to say.

"After what happened with us, someone being able to willingly kill their unborn child." He shook his head. "I just couldn't so I divorced her." He explained.

"Understandable. I completely agree." I told him.

"What about you? Any crazy relationship stories?" He asked me.

"I dated around a bit but all of them said I was too focused of my dancing. So they all ended rather abruptly. I did have one that lasted four years though. He was great at first, then he started to change." I told him.

"Is that why it ended?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No... He asked me to marry him." I said quietly.

"You broke up with him because he wanted to marry you?" Opie asked incredulously.

"Don't get me wrong, I think part of me loved him but I knew I didn't love him enough for that kind of a commitment. My heart wouldn't let me do that while I was still in love with someone I left behind." I explained not meeting his shocked gaze.

"You... You didn't marry him... Because of me?" He asked in total shock.

I nodded. "I couldn't. I thought for a long time I'd let go and moved on from what we had Opie but I didn't. When he asked me that it all came rushing back. That's what made my desicion to come home..."

"I don't really know what to say Lyss..." He said quietly.

"You don't have to say anything Ope. We're moving forward and possibly trying again. That's all I could want." I told him reaching for his hand.

He took my hand in his and squeezed it gently. "You're absolutely right." He smiled.

We finished our food and stood from the table. Opie took my hand and we spent the night going from ride to ride before we stopped at the ferris wheel. Tonight already has been amazing, both of us acting half our age as we ran from ride to ride, laughing the night away.

We got on the ferris wheel and it stopped with our cart at the very top. Opie took my face in his hands and leaned in pressing a kiss to my lips that was so full of love and happiness it made my head spin.

Tonight just made my whole decision a whole lot easier.

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