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"Dad, I don't know what to do." I groaned laying my forehead on the kitchen table.

"Do ya still love him?" He asked me.

"Yes. I thought, I stopped but when I got here, when I saw him and how he just held me like that. I knew. I tried to push it away, I hoped it would just go away. But it didn't."

"If you still love him, it won't hurt to give it another chance love." He told me gently.

"I don't want to hurt like that again Daddy." I told him.

"It could be different." He countered.

"You really think I can take on two kids that aren't mine?" I asked him.

"That is for you and him to talk about." He told me just as a hard knock came on the door.

I got up and answered the door to reveal the man himself. "Hello Opie." I greeted.

"Lyssa. I came to ask if you wanted to come by and have a movie night with me and the kids. They said they want to meet you. No pressure, just a chance for you to meet them and vice versa. I told them your one of my best friends. That's all they need to know right now." He explained.

I debated it for a minute, it's not a bad idea. A chance for me to get to know them see how they feel about me. Give them some time to get to know me and vice versa.

"Okay. Sounds like fun." I replied nodding.

He smiled at me brightly. "Awesome. Here's the address, just be there for say six?"

"Sounds good." I replied smiling back at him.

We bid goodbye and he left and I returned to my dad who was grinning at me. "What?" I asked laughing.

"I haven't seen you smile like that since you were eighteen." He told me. I blushed and looked down. He got up from the table and kissed my temple softly. "You'll do what's right love. Do what makes you happy." He told me. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He called as he headed out.

"See you tomorrow dad." I replied.

He left and I was alone with my thoughts. Desireé was out with Happy, so that left me alone in the house. I decided to do up the dishes and tidy the house before heading up to shower around four PM.

By the time I got out it was five because I decided to shave and give myself some much needed TLC. So I did some light make-up and pulled my hair into a loose french braid. I tossed on some comfy black yoga pants with a grey tank - top and grabbed my favorite black hoodie.

I skipped my way down the stairs before the nervousness hit me. What if his kids don't like me? What if they don't want me around?

Just then my phone chimed and I opened it to see a text from Opie.
Fron: Ope
Stop overthinking it. They'll love you. I just ordered the pizza now get your ass over here.

I laughed at his text and shook my head. I guess some things never change. He still knew I would over think this. I walked out the front door, I locked it before getting into my truck. I stopped for some pop and munchies on my way to Opie's for all of us to enjoy with the movie.

When I got there, I felt nervous again. But I looked up and saw Ope with two older kids beside him. Two kids that look just like him. They all smiled at me and I smiled before getting out of the truck. I grabbed the bags and stepped in front of my truck. "I brought goodies to eat during the movie." I said smiling.

"I like her already!" The boy grinned come toward me to help me with the bags.

The girl still had an undecided look hiding under her smile. But I brushed it off. Opie hugged me gently when I got to him.

We all stepped inside and Opie began introductions. "Kids, this is Alyssa, she's been one of my best friends since we were kids. Lyss, this is my son Kenny and my daughter Ellie."

"Nice to meet you both. Your dad has told me a lot about you both. Ellie, I hear you're really interested in learning Ballet and Tap?" I asked her.

Her eyes lit up and she nodded. "I guess you dad didn't tell you I'm a dancer huh?" I asked.

She shook her head. "If you want, maybe sometime you can have your old man here bring you by my place and I can teach you in my basement studio? I may even have some leotards and shoes that will fit you."

"Really?!" She exclaimed. "That would be amazing! Thank you Alyssa!" She hugged me.

"Anytime hon." I replied.

"Alright kids, you guys got get the first movie set up." Opie said shooing them off.

Once we were alone he grinned down at me. "I told you they'd love you." He gave me a side hug and kissed the top of my head.

"You were right." I laughed. "Whattya say we go watch some movies and pig out on shit that isn't healthy for us?" I asked.

"Sounds great to me." He grinned.

We sat down in the living room, Opie sat in a Lazy Boy chair while the kids and I took the couch. The pizza had arrived a few minutes before I did so we pressed play on the movie and dug in. Half way through Kenny poked me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can men dance too?" He asked curiously.

"Of course they can. They can do any style they want too. I've danced with many guys in my years all doing different things from Ballet to watching my friend Des dance with them in Hip Hop." I explained.

"Can you teach Hip Hop?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, it wasn't my style. But Desireé can. She did it for many years." I told him.

"Would she teach me?" He asked.

"I don't see why not." I smiled.

"Cool." He said grinning.

I looked at Opie who smiled widely at me. Maybe this would work out. Maybe if I gave Opie another chance it wouldn't be so bad...

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