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"Mom!" Kenny called.

"In the kitchen!" I called back.

"Can Ellie and I miss school to go with you today?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know buddy, that one is up to dad not me. Let's call him and ask okay?" I offered.

Kenny nodded and I pulled out my phone dialing Opie. "Hey baby. Everything okay?" He answered.

"Yeah Ope, everything's fine. Kenny and Ellie want to know if they can play hookey today and come with us." I explained.

He thought about it for a moment before answering. "Not all day. The appointment isn't until two so how about we pick them up on our way to St. Thomas?" He offered.

"Okay. That works for me just make sure you're home a couple minutes earlier."

"I'll be home early today anyways. I just gotta put a new transmission in this car and I can come home."

"Okay, I'm just off to get the kids to school then when I get home I'm going to start taking apart the spare bedroom."

"Be careful Alyssa. I mean it. No heavy lifting, wait til I get home." He said sternly.

"Yes Sir." I replied rolling my eyes for Kenny who was laughing. "Alright, I love you."

"I love you too Lyss. Bye baby."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and turned to Kenny.

"I know, I know go get ready for school." He held his hands up in surrender.

I laughed as he took off to his room and about five minutes later I stood by the front door pulling on shoes carefully since baby doesn't like me bending much. I grabbed my keys and called for the kids.

Both of them grabbed their lunches stuffing them into their backpacks before heading out to the truck. Both of them got in the back since I took away front seat privileges after they fought over who would get it.

"Mom? What do you want the baby to be?" Ellie asked me as I shut my door and turned the truck on.

"I don't know hon. Honestly as long as he or she is healthy, I'm okay with either gender." I told her.

"I agree." She said smiling.

The rest of the ride was the three of us singing obnoxiously to songs on the radio, until I finally dropped them off. I decided to stop at TM on my way home for the hell of it. I pulled in and got out of my truck. I could see Opie's legs sticking out from the underside of a Honda Civic and Jax standing beside his legs talking. Just as I was going to head into the clubhouse and look for my dad, he came up behind me from the shop.

"Whattya doin' here love?" He asked hugging me.

He stepped back and looked down at my small baby bump and smiled before looking back up at me. "I came to ask if you wanna come by the house tonight for dinner." I told him.

"That's not a question love. Of course. I love your cooking." He laughed.

"Mama Fee taught me all she knew." I grinned laughing.

Dad laughed with me before heading off and Jax noticed me. He waved and came over to me leaving Opie under the car. "You're still so little." He laughed looking at my belly.

"Tara says baby's growing perfectly though." I told him.

"You're what? Twenty weeks today?" He asked.

"Yep. I have an ultrasound at two to find out the gender." I said laying a hand over my belly.

"Make sure you let Ma know! She's planning you guys a baby shower." He laughed walking away.

I nodded and turned headed over toward Ope. When I reached him I nudged his leg with my foot. "What?" He asked frustrated. "I just wanna get this done and go home." He complained.

"Or you can slid on out and give your wife a kiss before she goes home." I taunted.

I heard a bang before he slid out from underneath the car rubbing his head. "Ow." He complained looking up at me pouting.

I giggled at him and he stood up. He leaned down giving me a soft kiss. Just when he was going to pull away I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His arms would around my waist as the kiss deepened.

Off the the side of us I could hear a wolf whistle and Opie moved one of his arms, probably flipping off who ever it was. I smiled into our kiss and pulled away meeting his eyes. "You know if you hurry home we have time for a shower before we go get the kids." I smirked playfully.

He grinned and shook his head. "Needy aren't we?" He asked playfully.

"Nope. Demanding. You. Home. One hour." I told him back away.

"Yes Ma'am." He saluted with a smile.

I headed home after that and began my work. Sure enough an hour later Opie arrived home and I stayed true to my word and we had a shower together. After our shower Opie and I did a little more work in the spare bedroom getting it almost fully cleared out. By the time we finished it was nearing one in the afternoon so we got on some nice clothes and headed to the school to pick up the kids.

From the school we arrived at St. Thomas hospital and headed directly up to maternity. Tara and Dr. Addams were already waiting for us when we arrived. We got into the room and Tara did my twenty week check up before passing me to Dr. Addams for our ultrasound.

"What do you guys think the baby's gonna be?" He asked Kenny and Ellie.

"I think it's a girl." Kenny said smiling.

"I think it's a boy." Ellie countered.

Opie squeezed my hand and smiled down at me. "Well, baby is measuring up perfectly now lets see if we can see the sex." He smiled. "And the new baby is a..."

"It's a boy!" Tara yelled excitedly from behind Dr. Addams shoulder.

Opie leaned down and kissed me sweetly. "A boy." I repeated happily.

"A boy Lyssa. We're having a boy." Opie confirmed.

We left the hospital in great spirits and headed home. The kids ran off to do their homework and Opie went to the spare room to finish what we started while I started dinner. Dad arrived an hour later just as dinner came out of the oven, so we all sat down to eat.

"How did the ultrasound go?" Dad asked us.

"Well," I started, grinning.

"He's perfectly healthy and growing great." Opie finished for me squeezing my hand before going back to his food.

"That's good." Dad answered shoveling food into his face before sitting up straight. "Wait. He? It's a boy?" He asked.

I nodded happily and dad leaned over to hug me. "Congratulations love."

"Thanks dad." I smiled.

"We also may already have a name." I explained.

"Oh?" He replied curiously.

I told dad our name idea and he looked so happy, Opie had no idea what middle name I had thought of until that moment as well and when it came past my lips he looked up at me slightly shocked. He hugged, kissed me and thanked me. Ellie and Kenny both looked so happy. This was it. Sitting around the table looking at the faces of all my family and my heart was so full. I'm so glad I decided to come back home, because this is where I was always meant to be.

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