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The movie just finished and the kids bid us goodnight. They both hugged and kissed their dad, but it surprised me when they hugged me. I bid them goodnight and listened as they walked down the hall and closed their doors.

"So?" He asked me.

"You have two amazing kids Ope. Really you and Donna did great." I told him with a soft smile.

"They seemed to really like you." He said to me quietly.

"I'm really glad. They're really sweet Opie." I laid my hand on top of his gently.

He met my eyes and something unspoken passed between us because he leaned over my way and took my cheek in his hand and kissed me. He slid his hand to the back of my neck as moved mine to his cheek. He pulled away first and looked into my eyes for a moment before kissing me again. This kiss was much different than the first. It was needy and urgent. The way his lips claimed mine was possessive.

He tugged on me telling me to come closer and I obliged, never disconnecting our lips I moved so I sat across his lap, not straddling him though. He wrapped his arms around me and I draped mine around his neck. "Opie." I whispered pulling away. "We should stop." I mumbled.

"Yeah... I guess so." He replied moving his hand to scratch the back of his head.

"I KNEW YOU TWO WEREN'T JUST FRIENDS!" Kenny's voice yelled from the entrance to the hallway.

I jumped off Opie and blushed furiously like a teenager. Ellie came running out to see what the commotion was. "No son, it's not what you think." Opie tried to deny.

"Don't deny it to me dad. I watched you try to eat her face." He rolled his eyes but smiled.

Ellie shook her head and smiled too. "What are you two smiling about?" Opie asked, meanwhile I'm still blushing bright red.

"You two look cute together." Ellie answered.

"But we aren't together." Opie clarified.

"Why not?" Kenny asked.

Opie looked up at me expectantly. I knew he couldn't answer that question, only I could. "You're dad and I used to be together, but we were kids and he made some mistakes. I wanted to wait and give it time." I explained.

"Wait, mom said she was the only one you had ever been with." Kenny said confused.

I couldn't help it but I busted out laughing. "No. I was with Alyssa from fifteen until we were nineteen. Your mom just hated her." Opie rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? Why did she hate you so much?" Ellie asked as both kids sat down on the couch.

I sat down on the arm of Opie's chair and he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Because when Alyssa moved away I was miserable. Even though I had just started dating your mom, I found out Alyssa left and I blamed myself. Your mom hated her for making me so upset." Opie explained.

"Why did you two even break up?" Kenny asked inquisitively.

"Well... That's a really long story..." I replied.

"One we will tell you another time." Opie said.

Both kids nodded. "Are you guys gonna get together again?" Ellie asked.

"That's up to Lyss." Opie replied.

Both kids looked at me. "Probably." I replied.

Opie shot his eyes to me shocked. Both kids grinned and excused themselves back to bed. "What?" He choked out.

"I said probably." I smirked at him.

"Why probably?" He asked.

"Well, it wasn't just about your kids being okay with me. There's a lot of other factors that I'm trying to sort through." I explained.

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