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Lacey sighed in relief at the fact she wasn't pregnant. But she didn't know why she had broken down crying. She couldn't understand it.

Lacey threw the test away just as Kendall walked in. She smiled. "You okay?" She asked.

Lacey shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know what to feel. I mean... look at my life. I had a one night stand with your boyfriend, went missing and..."

Kendall frowned. "And what? What happened Lacey?" She asked. She knew Lacey was hiding something from her. But she didn't know what.

Lacey shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I'm just being emotional."

"Right. Okay."

Lacey looked up as Christine came in from work. She rolled her eyes as Michael came in. "This your newest conquest mother?" She asked.


Lacey shrugged. "You almost lost me. And yet here you are bringing men back? You call yourself a mother?"

Christine sighed and looked at Michael. "She doesn't mean it. She's just being stubborn."


Michael smiled. "I'll go. Maybe we can meet at my place next time? Save unnecessary drama," he said.

As soon as Michael had gone, Christine looked at Lacey. "How dare you?! Michael is the first man who has liked me. He came back for me. You need to remember that Lacey."

Lacey rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just go back to your vodka bottle. I've looked after myself everyday since I can remember. I sure as hell won't stop now," she spat.

Christine was shocked at how Lacey was acting. She hadn't ever seen her act like that before. She took a step towards her. "You need to stop with your attitude. I'm your mother and you will respect that."

"Go to hell."

Christine got Kendall on the phone. She needed her to have Lacey before she lost her temper with her. Kendall turned up. "What the hell happened?"

"She is being disrespectful. I won't have her talking to me like that. Especially in front of Michael," Christine said.

Kendall frowned. "Hang on, you're sending your vulnerable daughter to me because she kicked off over you bringing a man back here? Are you insane?! Lacey needs you right now. Not me. Not Connor. You. Be her mum for a change and stop relying on me. I would do anything for Lacey. I really would. But I'm having a child of my own. Sort it out. I'll talk to Lacey but she's staying here."

Kendall walked into Lacey's bedroom and sighed. She saw her sister holding the pregnancy test that she took from the bin. "Lace?"

Lacey quickly hid it and looked at Kendall. "Mum called you?"

Kendall nodded and sighed. She sat with Lacey. "She wants you to come and stay with me. But I've told her she needs to wise up and be there for you."

"It's fine. She doesn't want me here. I'll find somewhere."

Kendall shook her head. "No. You're not running away again. I'm not letting you. It broke me last time."

Kendall held Lacey as she cried herself to sleep. She hated seeing her little sister like this. But little did she know, this was only the start of Lacey's problems.

Mummy's Wild Child {Waterloo Road}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon