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It had been two months since Lacey had gone missing. The police weren't giving up trying to find her. They knew Lacey was vulnerable and at risk. Kendall was beside herself with worry. She needed her sister back.

Since Lacey had gone missing, Christine had sobered up. She had stopped the drinking. She wanted to be there for her daughter.

Simon knew he was to blame for Lacey going missing. He knew that when Kendall found out about him having sex with her while she was drunk. Kendall was going to kill him when she knew he had gotten Lacey pregnant too.

Lacey woke in the bed she had been forced to sleep in and felt the tears roll down her cheeks. She had met a guy who was forcing her sleep with men for money.

Lacey looked at herself in the mirror. She was covered in cuts and bruises. Whenever she refused to have sex, she got beaten.

The door opened and Neil walked in. "Oh. You're awake. Good. You'll have someone in here soon," he said.

"No. I'm going home," she mumbled. She tried to stand up but Neil pushed her back onto the mattress. "Don't touch me!"

Neil put his hands around her neck and strangled her. "You're mine now. You came to me when you had nothing. I gave you something and now you're mine," he spat.

"I will never be yours!"

Kendall walked into work. Everyone had been out looking for Lacey. Connor had come back from London for Lacey. Kendall went over to him. "Have you heard anything?" He asked.

Kendall shook her head. "No. The police had a sighting but they were too late," she said. She felt the tears sting her eyes. She hated how she had let her little sister down.

Connor swore. "This isn't right. She shouldn't be out there on her own."

Lacey felt cheap and dirty. She hated herself for leaving. She wanted Kendall. Neil walked in. "£500. You must have been good. Well done."

"Bite me."

Neil walked over and kicked her in the stomach. "I've been more than accommodating to you and this is how you treat me? I don't think so."

Lacey shrugged. "Let me go then. I don't want you no more."

Neil smirked. "Listen. I own you now. Nothing you say or do will ever change that. Do you understand? No one can save you now."

Kendall looked up as Simon walked in. He smiled. "Any news?" He asked. He saw Kendall reading a book. "What's that?"

"Lacey's diary. Connor's dad. He raped her when she was eight years old. She was so innocent," Kendall mumbled.

Simon sighed. "It must be why she likes older men then."

Kendall felt anger overcome her. She looked at him. "You What? She was eight years old! She didn't ask for it and she doesn't have a thing for older men!"

"Oh really?! That's why she slept with me?" Simon yelled.

Kendall got mad. "What? You slept with my little sister?!"

Simon sighed. "She was drunk. It happened."

Kendall couldn't believe it. She was fuming. But she knew she couldn't blame Lacey. But would she forgive Simon?

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