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Lacey had no idea what she was going to do. She knew that she was pregnant and she knew it was going to change everything.

She had no idea what she was going to do about it. Especially as she knew that Max Tyler was the one who had got her pregnant.
Lacey knew how he told her how he'd be there and how he'd support her. But she didn't know what to think. And she didn't know if she could trust him.

She knew that to him it was just sex and she knew that he could easily walk away. Especially as she couldn't as she was the pregnant one. She didn't know what she even wanted it was a mess
Lacey knew that the risk this was to him with his job and everything. But she knew it was too late now.

Lacey lay in bed and sighed. She knew how her head was a mess and she didn't know what to think.

All that she knew was that she was pregnant bad going to have a baby and she knew that she needed to decide what she was going to do over it all. She knew how things were not easy in her life and she didn't know what to do.

Lacey felt confused by it all. She wanted to do what was best. But she didn't know what that was. And part of her was starting to think about the baby. And how it wasn't easy at all.


Lacey forgot work and walked into Max's office. He looked to her and smiled. "Lacey how are you?" He asked.

She looked to him and smiled. "I have been better" she said as he looked to her and nodded "I took a test I'm pregnant what are we going to do I know the risks of it all but it's baby you know. I know that it's best to get rid with my mother and the risk for you but I just don't know if I Can and I'm sorry."

Max looked to her and smiled.  "Just calm down. I know it's not easy. I do. But I am here for you. And it's all going to be okay. You're going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about. Look if it's really what you want. If you want this baby, then I am here to support you. And I am in it either way with you. I am not going to walk away. It's my baby too. Despite the risk," he said as lacey looked to him and smiled.


Lacey sat in the common room. She looked to see Kendall as she walked into the room. "Hey. Are you okay?" Kendall asked.

Lacey frowned. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I was only asking miss moody. I'm allowed to see how my sister is. Besides you seem distant," Kendall said as Lacey looked to her and smiled. 

She knew that the last thing she needed was for Kendall to find out about her pregnancy. 

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me," Lacey said as Kendall smiled.

Knowing how she'd have to tell her she was pregnant. And knowing it would change everything.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 30 ⏰

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