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"Are you sure that's a real spell?"

Hermione and Pansy were quiet and tense as they left the infirmary and started to navigate throughout the school. Hermione initially led herself in the direction of the library but as she began to occasionally take another path, Pansy would stay by her side as if she wanted to unnerve Hermione even further.

Hermione's throat was tight and too afraid to sneak a glance at Pansy. She sensed that Pansy had a firm walk with arms by her side, eyes straight ahead. The hostility she kept was hidden, but its odour managed to reach Hermione.

they rarely interacted. Despite the fact that they shared numerous potions class together, they maintained their distance. Therefore, being within such close proximity with Pansy was unnerving and Hermione didn't know what to expect.

She had only seen the girl floating around Draco's space, eager to latch onto his every move and word. But that was before he grew a sudden interest in Hermione and forced Pansy to gravitate away.

The girl has seemed bitter ever since. Every snarl and snicker as Hermione raised her hand in class or performed the perfect spell, a whisper would follow closely behind. Nonetheless, Pansy was the queen of whispers, especially if they were about nonother than Miss Hermione Granger.

Hermione desperately wanted to seek asylum in the library, able to navigate around the towers of books to lose the girl. But before she could turn around the corner, Pansy hit her should and pushed her into the wall.

She frowned and opened her mouth to question the girl, but Pansy's eyes were full of darkness.

"I'm going to say this once, so you better listen" she hissed, eyes narrowing. "You may have Draco wrapped around your finger, but everyone knows you're not meant to be. You're a mudblood – always has been, always will be. Think you and Draco will be forever?" she cackled with a wicked grin stretched across her lips. "Better think again. His father despises you and will ruin your life."

Hermione felt herself wither inside as the filthy word was said so easily without hesitation, but felt a fit of anger, as well. She didn't like battling with others when unnecessary, but she attacked, not threatened. And when she is attacked, she fights back like how she was taught as a young girl.

Hermione stepped away from the wall with her shoulders pulled backwards, stretching up to her true height and stance. Her lips were pressed into a line and her teeth were clenched. It took every ounce of strength to not pull out her wand and demand a dual.

"Give it a break Pansy" Hermione stated clearly and strongly to only receive a snarl in return.

"Not until you go back to your little trio and leave us alone."

"I may be a muggleborn and in Gryffindor, but I'm also valedictorian. If you don't think a witch with my mind wouldn't know how to defend herself against a troll like you then you've got it wrong."

Pansy chuckled again, dangerous humour lighting up her eyes. "Well, well, well. Look at this. Are you sure you're Gryffindor, Granger? Because you're more of a snake than I am."

There was hesitation and a flicker of weakness in Hermione's mind. But with the courage to carry on, she clenched her fists.

"Lion's aren't just little kittens. We're born with teeth and you better be careful because we wear the crown in this school and we're not afraid to sink our teeth into pathetic creatures like yourself." Hermione lifted and brow and released a breath of air, a smile tugging on her lips. "Got it, snake?"

With a devilish grin, Pansy chuckled. "Bring it on, Kitty."

The two girls separated, and each went their own way. But the electricity shared between them didn't fade, no matter the distance they made.

Draco was on Hermione's mind, burrowing deep into her brain that she no longer knew where she was going. Her feet were moving on their own, powering forwards on their own accord.

In the Library, tucked away in the corner that shielded her for so many years, Hermione barely noticed where she was until she felt a familiar warmth.

She released a sigh and stared at her hands, the thoughts of Pansy's words swirling around in her mind. The filthy name had left a deep enough scar in the past. Hearing a girl so young, not even out of school, use that name left her questioning the future of the magic world.

remembering the lion brooch that sat in her pocket. Her fingers felt the velvet box and pulled it out, lifting the lid to expose the jewelled head.

The detail of the brooch kept Hermione under a spell, admiring each curve of the head. The crown that sat on the top of the lion's mane attracted Hermione's attention. Lions were metaphors of royalty and loyal attributes, but never imagined them really having crowns sitting on their heads. That was usually Luna's area of imagination.

Exhaustion overcame Hermione, the aftermath of her valiant battle fading from her body. She soon began to be filled with cravings for warmth only provided by one person. Unfortunately, he was bed bound, forced to heal from his own battle.

She had to respect his need for rest, along with her own. And so, she returned the brooch box back into her pocket and left the library, eager to let herself rest in a world of darkness. 

Authors Note:

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Authors Note:

Hermione's fire is finally returning! Got to love our Lion Queen!

But I promised you I would update soon and aren't I full of surprises? Therefore, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to let me know what you think of it!


Matilda Grace

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