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"I can help you there."

Seeing the beautiful girl pivot on her toes, a strand of hair falling into her eyes made Draco's heart skip a beat.

He was watching on as she spoke with Potter, anxiety written over her face. The way she bit her lip, looked at the ground and her shoulders would rise as she spoke words of worry were the only signs he needed. She had a lot on her mind, but Draco understood as he was in that position not too long ago.

When Potter left, he called her name and she spun around with grace. The coldness seemed to leave her as her cheeks flushed a light pink and energy started to glow in her eyes.

The two met in the middle, standing not too close or not too far away. Their affair was kept away from the public eye and so every move had to be calculated and precise.

Nonetheless, the urge to wrap his arms around her frail body resembling Harry's action didn't leave his mind. He wanted to calm her; he wanted to be her stone. Instead, all he could freely do was smile and make telepathic promises.

I will be there for you. Maybe not in this moment, but later I will.

"Head Boy and Valedictorian" Draco started, a millimetre smirk turning up on his lips. "Who will win?"

"Barely a few minutes and it's already a competition?" Hermione replied.

"Of course. You're going to the library I presume?"

With a quiet chuckle, Hermione nodded her head and the two began walking again, side by side. The space between was still maintained, but the electrical connection never faltered. Both had their breaths hitched in each other's company, fighting the urge to share a kiss.

"Saw an article in the Quibbler recently" Draco started, staring at his feet as he walked. "Going on about charms and invisible creatures. Could inspire you for a theme."

"You read that load of rubbish? Didn't peg you as someone who found comfort in Luna's rants about wrackspurts and what-not."

Draco shrugged, lifting his gaze to look out on the quadrangle, spotting a few first years running through. He didn't bother to turn away but instead kept walking.

"You helped during the Slytherin Ball, so why can I not do the same for you?"

"I don't need help" Hermione bit quickly, but instantly blushed at her sudden burst. "I mean, not yet."

It was known by the majority of students how Hermione liked to do things on her own; it was a flaw he admired. But nonetheless, he knew she would take any support subtly.

"Of course, Miss Granger." Draco met her gaze, eyes softening. "Anything for you."

Outside the entrance to the Library, Draco took a step closer to Hermione and heard her breath get caught. He smiled slightly, heart beating quickly as he could smell the rose-scented shampoo she began to use.

He lowered his lips to her cheek, kissing it once and murmuring "anything for you, Hermione."

Swiftly he backed away and floated towards the Slytherin Common room, leaving Hermione in his wake. He had to keep his head high as he graced each hall with his foreboding presence and not show the warmth he feels.

Entering through the large doors of the Common Room, a cluster of girls sat on the couches, their whispering voices hushing to a deathly silence. All three pairs of eyes focused on Draco, one of them being none other than Pansy Parkinson.

Dismissing her friends, Draco took a seat opposite her, looking at her with his face blank like a canvas.

"Hi, Draco" Pansy started, her voice soft and feminine with her bitterness lingering underneath. "Didn't expect to see you lingering around here. Quite rare, if you ask me."

"I am Head Boy and in Slytherin so why would you be surprised? Hoped I somehow started following the red lion flag?"

"What do you want, Draco?" Pansy questioned, her soft tone vanishing and the natural sharp tongue she possessed returning to its rightful place. The glare she planted on her face barely matched her tone and still failed to impress Draco.

"You've been awfully quiet, Pansy" Draco replied. "but the whispering isn't."

"What's your point?"

"You need to let it go." Draco rose and turned his back on Pansy, picking up a silver snake ornament, turning it thrice in hand. "Hermione isn't someone you should be playing with. Especially with me around."

"Well, how does Daddy feel about you two?"

The air left Draco's lungs and the cold touch of the snake suddenly became too hot to handle. The blood in his veins rushed to his ears and a fire within started to rage.

"How dare you" he hissed. "You know nothing of my father."

"I probably know a lot more than you. Soon enough you'll be snuggling up to Potter and that ginger."

"If you had a sliver of dignity left, Pansy Parkinson, you would focus on your own pathetic life first."

The patience of Draco was thinning fast, his quick pace not hiding any fire that burned within. He wasn't focusing on where his feet were taking him, but the crispy air inflating his lungs gave him an idea.

He stopped on the top of the hill that looked down towards the forbidden forest and Hagrid's hut. There were no other students lingering around or professors who would sneer and snap at his presence, leaving him to his own hostility.

Looking over the vast space reminded him of a memory he kept close. He was very fond of it, chills dancing along his fair skin similar to the ones he had welcomed once-upon-a-time. But then again, he thought it was all just that: a fairy-tale.

But feeling the long stick in his pocket, he reminds himself that the fairy-tale is his life.

That kiss he shared with Hermione was better than a dream. He ached to see her again but knew he must contain himself. Surely after he admitted his love, everything would turn out the way he wanted. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough magic or ruling that his father had to do just that.

But thinking of his father gave him a pounding sensation in his temples. Lucius' stern eyes with slick white hair was the striking image of evil and intimidation. Draco already felt disrespectful after the events of the Slytherin Ball but slowly he has to learn to follow his heart rather than the path the snake lays out for him... Right?

Authors Note:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Authors Note:

Draco and Hermione, back together again. So why not throw in some Pansy to stir the drama?


Matilda Grace

The Gryffindor Gala | #DRAMIONE ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن